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13 Eye-Opening Infections During Pregnancy That Cause Miscarriage

Have you ever heard about the organisms that enter a mother’s body and end a life inside? Yes, they are so powerful actually. They cause infections and end the life of a cute developing baby in the mother even when she didn’t know that she is expecting. Miscarriage usually happens before the 20th week of pregnancy. Vaginal bleeding, loss of breast tenderness and nausea, back and abdominal pain, and tissue discharge are the signs that you are not carrying a baby anymore. Let’s go through the infections during pregnancy that causes miscarriage.

13 Eye-Opening Infections During Pregnancy That Cause Miscarriage

Infections During Pregnancy Affect Baby

Infections during pregnancy affect the developing baby in one of three ways.

  • Directly harm the baby and leads to birth abnormalities.
  • Cause miscarriage or premature labor.
  • They harm the mother and she could not nurture the baby well.

Infections that affect the developing baby includes:

  • Chlamydia which causes pneumonia and eye infections
  • Bacterial vaginosis which causes preterm labor
  • Contagious diseases such as HIV, Syphilis, Hepatitis, and Herpes infect the developing baby in the womb
  • Gonorrhea causes eye infections and blindness
  • A fifth disease that causes fetal anemia or even leads to miscarriage
  • Toxoplasmosis causes intellectual disabilities and birth abnormalities
  • Group B streptococcus that causes severe complications in newborn and can be fatal
  • Zika virus causes bit abnormalities in infants. It can cause miscarriage too
  • Listeria causes birth abnormalities, stillbirth, and miscarriage
  • Cytomegalovirus which is often harmless but can cause intellectual disabilities and birth abnormalities

Cervix Infection During Pregnancy

Cervix infection occurs when bacteria that are normally present in the vagina enter the womb where the fetus is. Group B streptococci, E. coli, and anaerobic bacteria are some of the common types of bacteria that cause cervical infection during pregnancy. It may cause premature labor, harm the fetus, affect the placenta, or cause birth abnormalities.

Urinary Tract Infections

During pregnancy, urine has more protein, sugar, and hormones in it. These changes cause Urinary tract infections. Another reason for the urinary tract infection is the pressing of the uterus on the bladder. This does not allow your bladder to let out all the urine from the body and causes infection.

Signs Symptoms Of Uterine Infection During Pregnancy

Symptoms of uterine infection during pregnancy include:

  • pain while urination
  • pain in abdomen
  • passing urine more frequently
  • cloudy urine and it smells more than normal
  • blood in your urine

Empty bladder before and after sex to prevent this situation. Avoiding harsh soaps in the genital area, wearing cotton underwear, and avoiding sprays can help overcome this infection.

First Signs of Pregnancy Yeast Infection

Yeast Infections

Yeast infections are common during pregnancy as the mother is going through hormonal changes that disrupt the pH level of the vagina. First Signs of Pregnancy Yeast Infection include vaginal itching and a white thick discharge similar to cottage cheese.

Untreated Yeast Infection During Pregnancy

Yeast infections do not cause a potential threat in non-pregnant women. They even are not harmless to mothers while they are expecting but cause harm to the developing baby. As they are transferred from mother to baby, they develop a yeast infection in the diaper area or the mouth. As their immune system is not fully developed, they experience bad breathing and heart rhythm. So, it can be treated by wearing cotton underwear. Keeping your vaginal area dry and avoiding bubble baths is the best way to prevent yourself yeast infection during pregnancy.

Late Miscarriage Due To Infection

Usually, miscarriage happens during 12 or 13 weeks of pregnancy. There are is less chance to miscarry after this. Still, if a baby dies between 14 to 24 weeks of pregnancy, it is called a late miscarriage. It happens due to several reasons among which one is the infection caused by bacteria or viruses. Those Infections either affect the fetus or the amniotic fluid and cause late miscarriage.

Infections That Affect the Baby

Cytomegalovirus and Parvovirus cause infection during late pregnancy and affect the baby directly. Such infections are not so common, but if happen to cause the death of a baby in the womb.

Infections That Affect Amniotic Fluid

If the vaginal bacteria enter the womb, they cause infections and lead to late miscarriage. Bacterial Vaginosis is a common example that is associated with early labor.

How To Avoid Infection During Pregnancy

Taking precautions can help a lot of problems of health and maintain a healthy pregnancy. To avoid the entrance of infection-causing organisms in your body during pregnancy, you should:

  • You must ensure vaccination
  • Avoid consuming raw or unpasteurized dairy products
  • Practice safe intercourse and get yourself tested for sexually transmitted diseases
  • Do not share eating utensils with other people
  • Stay away from pet or wild rodents
  • Do not eat an undercooked meat
  • wash your hands with water and sop regularly. This is important after playing with children, using the washroom, and cooking raw vegetables and meat.

Infections during pregnancy affect the life of two individuals. Why let the organisms enter or grow in your body? Live and let the baby live by contacting a gynecologist as soon as possible!


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