Work at HomeWork-Life BalanceWorking Moms

4 Ways to Love Being a Work At Home Mom (WAHM)

I had my first job at the age of fourteen as a bagger at a grocery store. When I received my first paycheck, I vividly remember a sense of self-satisfaction. Basically, I made a quick decision early in life that I enjoyed having my own cash flow because working and earning an income brings a sense of personal achievement.  Later in life I learned that I could gain fulfillment by being a work at home mom (WAHM).


Do dreams have to stop if you stay at home?

So, what happens once children enter the picture? What happens when married life is part of the equation? Does life fulfillment have to stop? Do dreams have to be boxed up and put on a shelf? Maybe you have felt guilty for having a desire to work.  Let me tell you there is nothing wrong with wanting to be a contributor in life and making some extra cash in the process can be nice. Once my first baby came into the picture,  I decided to get creative with generating an income. Over the past 21 years of marriage, I have had numerous occupations that I have done from home. Even after having eight children working at home has shown to be profitable!

However, mom guilt is real. It’s hard to lead a productive life when you are filled with self-imposed shame. Mom guilt = Unhappy mama and as the saying goes, “If mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy.” So, here are some helpful tips to do what you love and feel good about it. Over the years I have been able to enjoy working from home by adopting the following 4 principals.


Choose an opportunity that you can genuinely get excited about.

I can remember when I was in my late twenties, I stumbled onto a cosmetic catalog and I ordered some face cream that transformed my complexion. I was so excited about it that I decided to find a local rep from the company I purchased it from.  Before you know it, I was a distributor and I quickly became the newest gal with the highest sales in my region! The income was nice, and I won all kinds of fabulous gifts!


Figure out you what’s important to you.

Is making money the premiere reason you are looking for work or are you looking for personal life gratification? There are plenty of opportunities out there for you to do both. You could always check out a blog post like The Best Small Business Ideas in 2019 for Women or The Work-at-Home Company Directory  featuring 200+ jobs where you can work from home! If you are looking for a purposeful occupation, but you’re unsure of your calling, check out my book, Passion. Purpose. Time Management. Many moms have used it to figure out what they are called to do!


Set work boundaries.

Once you pick an occupation to do from home, make sure to create time boundaries to separate work time from family time. Once again, the book mentioned above in #2 can help you with work/family time management as well.


Choose an opportunity that lines up with your values.

Whether you are working with an income as a primary focus or if you are working to feel like you are making a mark in the world, choose work that you can feel good about doing. So many people settle because they don’t think it’s possible to find something that can fit all their needs as a work-at-home mom, trust me there are plenty of opportunities out there! For the past three and a half years, I have found a way to earn an income and do what I love. The best part is, I get to work with my teen girls! When you choose an occupation that lines up with your values you will find greater personal self-gratification.


What are some business ventures you can do from home?

Here are some of the business ventures I have done while being able to stay at home with my kids: Author, Women’s Director for a Recovery Program, grant writer, makeup rep, opened up a successful gluten-free bakery from home, created art pieces for vendor festivals, managed an antique booth, cake decorator, MLM distributor, lifestyle coach and now I head up a health organization and run an online women’s wellness and fitness group. Life feels amazing!  It took some time to find my jam, but now that I have, I can’t describe the personal satisfaction and fulfillment that I feel!


You can find fulfillment working at home!

Remember, trying business ventures on for size is part of the process that adds up to a rich life experience. It will help you find out what’s important to you. When something is not the right fit you don’t have to stay stuck, be empowered to move on.  Learn to enjoy the process and reap the empowerment of working from home!


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EmmaSara McMillion

EmmaSara is an author and the host of Mother of Change Podcast, “Parenting: No one said it would be easy, but it’s worth it!” She is also a Certified Natural Health Coach + Integrative Health Instructor. On her free time, she enjoys spending time with her husband and her eight kids. Together they are focused on being the greatest good to the greatest amount of people.

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