Spring Cleaning Tips

5 Ways to Celebrate Spring by Spreading Kindness



“Kindness is the sunshine in which virtue grows.”

~ Robert Green Ingersoll


When I think of spring, I think of renewal,  fresh air, flowers, children playing outside, warmer weather – things that make us happy! I also witnessed that same feeling after my students completed a project they had made for someone to brighten their day.  So let’s celebrate the happiness of spring by encouraging your children to get out of the house and do something for others and spread kindness along the way!


Here are five easy, creative ways to get outside and spread some kindness!


1) Decorative Rocks for the Kindness Rock Project

The Kindness Rock project is a movement where you decorate a rock and leave it around your community or places you visit.  The goal is to “inspire others through randomly placed rocks along the way.”  It’s a creative, simple and meaningful project for you to do with your kids.  We start by painting rocks a solid color and then letting it dry.  We then decorate it with inspirational words and fun patterns.  The last step is to cover with Modge Podge to seal the paint.  I’ve seen the joy people express when they find a Kindness Rock.  It is amazing how a simple gesture like this can change someone’s day.




2) Homemade Bird Feeders

When I think of Spring, I also think of Earth Day, which is celebrated every year on April 22nd to show support for protecting our environment.  A fun project is to provide extra food for the birds by making cheerio bird feeders. You only need two simple supplies, a pipe cleaner (or string, twine, etc.) for this project.  First, thread the cheerios on the pipe cleaner.  Then shape the pipe cleaner into a circle (or any shape you desire).   Finally, use another pipe cleaner or string to hang it on a tree and help out our environment.



3) Yarn Hearts for the Peyton Heart Project

The Peyton Heart Project was “created to help end suicide and bullying and the stigma surrounding mental health issues.”  Hearts can be knitted, crocheted or for younger kids, made from yarn and cardboard.  A tag is attached to the heart, so when someone finds it, it “causes people to stop for a moment and reflect on a young life lost to suicide, on bullying and on the fact that everyone’s life matters.”  When working on this project with younger children, we focus on the hearts representing kindness in the world and brightening someone’s day.



4) Bookmarks for a Free Little Library

Bookmarks are fun to make, and it brings out the creativity in children.  Some fun ideas for decorating include using washi tape (decorative masking tape), foam stickers, doodle patterns, and inspirational words from magazines.  We like to either laminate or use packing tape to protect the bookmarks.  You can then find a Free Little Library (small library stands around your neighborhood) and hide the bookmarks in the books to brighten someone’s day.  Another option is to go to your local library and hide your creations in random books!


5) Kind Note to a Friend, Neighbor, or Fire/Police Department

In an age of technology, we hardly receive written notes or letters.  Taking the time to write a handwritten note to show appreciation is priceless.  It is a simple act of kindness, but it can make a big difference in someone’s day!  I remember when my kids randomly wrote a note to our neighbor.  They taped it to the neighbor’s door and almost immediately after receiving seeing the note – the girls received a phone call from our neighbor thanking them for their sweet gesture!


I hope these five simple acts have inspired you to get out with you your children and start spreading kindness!  You’ll be surprised that it will not only will it brighten people’s days, but it could also start a kindness movement in your community!




The Kindness Rock Project

The Peyton Heart Project

Little Free Library




Short Bio:

Sitinee Sheffert is a wife, mom of five, social entrepreneur and speaker. She is the founder of Giving Artfully Kids, a curriculum teaching children the importance of kindness and giving through crafting and Giving Artfully, a platform connecting crafters and organizations needing handcrafted items. She is also a TEDx speaker talking about  Building Generation Kindness Connect with Sitinee blogs at www.givingartfullykids.com/blog, and you can connect with her at twitter.com/givingartfully,  instagram.com/givingartfullykids, and facebook.com/givingartfullykids




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TWL Working Mom

Jennifer is the owner of TWL Working Moms. She is a full time teacher, a mom & step mom, and NBCT Facilitator. Jennifer lives in Washington State and is a born + raised New Yorker. In her spare time, she loves traveling, yoga, the beach, writing, listening to books and drinking coffee.

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