Once you’ve had your child, getting back into work can be both good and bad and almost always challenging. Nothing is the same as before, and there are a lot of things that change from the life you used to know. Read on to find out 3 big changes that might occur when you transition from stay at home mom to working mom.
You’ll Have Much More Money
Working means wages, and once you start to work again, you’ll have a lot more money than you did when you were a stay-at-home mom. This might seem obvious, but it’s a big deal. Not only can you use this money towards your child, but you can also use it to treat yourself too. You might be worried that spending less time with your child means you’ll be missing out on lots of special moments.
But this isn’t necessarily the case, as earning some more money means you can spend more doing things together. Buying tickets to the cinema or going on holiday is a lot more feasible with a bit more money in the bank, and it gives you tons more opportunities. Plus, it’s not a secret that raising a child is hard, so having more money means you can treat yourself to a well-deserved reward once in a while too.
You’ll Have Much Less Time on Your Hands
It goes without saying that once you start working, you’re going to have much less time for both you and your child. This can be difficult to manage at first and very overwhelming. Suddenly you have tons of things to do that you didn’t even realize existed, whether that’s filing reports or producing flyers. Since you have so much else to do, making time outside of work can be a bit harder, but it’s important to strike a balance. Although there are lots of things that need doing around the house, like cleaning, shopping and cooking, it’s also important to make time for family as well as a little “me time” for yourself too. All work and no play will drive you crazy, so try to take it easy sometimes.
Things Become A Little More Confusing
Becoming a working mom means there are a lot of things that go on that you’re just not a part of anymore – as a stay-at-home mom, it’s easy to keep track of your kid’s likes and dislikes or their routine since that’s all you have to focus on. But, once you start working, your priorities will shift. Plus, there’ll be friends that are made and lots more people who’ll be involved in taking care of your child. But, don’t worry! Not knowing everything about your child doesn’t make you a bad parent – in fact, it’s good for them to develop their independence and shape them into wonderful human beings. Let them grow.
Final thoughts
Even though it can seem daunting, the transition from a stay-at-home mom to a working mom isn’t all that bad. It’s just different and part of life. Embrace it along with its rewards and challenges, and take it step by step.
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