Infant + ToddlerParenting Tips

4 Lessons Parents Learn Watching Children Play Sports

Are your children involved in sports? Do you watch their games often? If yes, then I am pretty sure that you enjoy the time you spend watching them shoot hoops, kick a ball, or hit the goal. Am I right?

But watching children play is more than just a fun experience—it’s a fantastic learning experience as well. Many parents think that going to their children’s game is all about showing support to their little one. But the truth is, it goes way beyond that.

When you analyze the game closely or if you try to look at the game from a different perspective, you will discover a lot of things and lessons not just about sports but about parenting and life as well.

Wondering what are the lessons parents may get while watching their children play sports? Here are some:



Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash


Lesson #1: A little encouragement goes a long way.

One of the things that you would notice when you watch youth sports is how the coach would always try to pep up his boys or girls by giving them positive encouragement.

Is your child feeling down because he is not performing as well as he wanted it to be? Did he feel like a loser when he was not able to shoot the ball during the first quarter of the game?

If yes, you would surely be tempted to give him pointers on how he can improve his game. During the game, children are already too pressured to listen to tips and advice so you should reserve them during the practice season. What your child needs is a boost of confidence. Give him some words of encouragement and watch him transform to the great athlete he wants to be.


Lesson #2: You need to let go of the things you can’t control.

In sports, there is one thing that is out of your control—the outcome of the game. No matter how hard your kid practiced, how knowledgeable he is about the game, or how amazing his skills are, it will still be impossible for you to have full control on what would happen during the game.

That is why the best thing that you can do is to let go of the things that you can’t control. Let bygones be bygones. If your child lost the game, console him and teach him this very same lesson.



Lesson #3: But you should do something about the things that you can control.

But if there is one thing that you should focus on—it is the things that you can control. Sure, you can’t dictate who would win the game but do you know that there is one thing that you can do? It is to increase the chances that your child will win the game (and reduce the risk of him having an injury too!).

How would you do that? To increase his chances of winning the game, you should encourage your child to practice daily and to perform some drills that can help improve his skills. Moreover, you should teach your kids the value of preparing mentally for the game. Teach him a few mental preparation techniques like visualization, meditation and many more.

When it comes to protecting your child from injuries, the best thing that you can do is to make sure that he is wearing the right sports shoes.

I know that looking for the right basketball shoes for kids is not easy, but you should take the time to research what makes up a good sports shoe (durability, support, comfort, and the right ankle height). You also need to be patient in going around different stores and guiding your child in fitting and finding the right shoe for him.


Lesson #4: Unconditional love can help children go a long way.

I know this one may sound so cheesy, but I have seen lots of parents showering their kids with love when they win the game but won’t talk to them (or worse, be angry at them) when they lose the game.

Yes, your kids need to feel loved when they win the game, but they need your love and support the most when things didn’t turn out the way you or they want them to.

You may be brokenhearted yourself when your child loses a game, but please do understand that it hurts even more for them. That is why it is the perfect time for you to show your love for them.

As a parent of children who loves sports, you should take from your children’s cue and try to discover more lessons about sports while you are watching them play. Your willingness and eagerness to learn with your children about and from sports can make your bond stronger and help you become a better mom or dad.


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Allison Brooke

Allison is a current blogger and mommy.

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  1. My kids aren’t in organized sports yet, but I remember a lot of this from watching siblings’ games. These are such important lessons for parents to learn – and great ways to set good examples for our kids!

  2. These are some tough lessons. I have an super competitive kid and one who really just can’t be bothered, she does the sport for her and doesn’t really mind where she comes.
    I have to wear two different hats when I am supporting them.

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