EducationParenting & Motherhood Tips

How To Contribute To Your Children’s Education as a Mom

Knowledge is power, which is why your children’s education is paramount. With the right academic and life skills, there is no peak they can’t climb. Think of all the successful people in life, from billionaires to scientists and the rich and famous, and they are intelligent. Without formal education, it’s hard to hit goals because there are zero tools and resources to help.


As a mom, you leave the majority of the work to the professionals. Teachers are paid to guide young minds, so it’s their job to be on point. But, you are and will always be your son or daughter’s first mentor. Whether it’s academic or societal, kids look to their moms for guidance. After all, a mother knows best even if the children don’t want to admit the fact.


So, it’s your job to contribute to their education as much as it is their teacher’s. Setting them up for life requires teamwork and a whole lot of hands. Getting a perfect balance isn’t straightforward, however. Moms need to hold their children and the teachers (and themselves) accountable without being pushy or overbearing. Thankfully, the tips underneath should come in handy. Here’s how to contribute to your child’s education as a mom.


Spot The Warning Signs

There are lots of signals which suggest the quality of education may not be high. Obvious ones include big class sizes and a lack of staff. The children-to-teacher ratio needs to be small so that every child gets plenty of one-on-one time. Kids suffer when they struggle to grasp a topic and can’t ask for help because the staff is too busy. It’s at this point when a mother should step in and think about the options.

Not all signs are glaringly obvious. Schools can put on a brave face even though they are drowning behind the scenes. Parents won’t see this though because the principal has got a good PR strategy in operation. A lack of funds is a perfect example. Students need teachers, but they also need materials such as textbooks to provide info. Rich schools now use technology and provide iPads and tablets for interactive learning.

To look underneath the hood, you should compare schools. Does a rival one have better infrastructure? Do they use high-tech equipment during lessons? Are there field trips to museums and places of historical content? If the answers are yes, yes and yes, there’s a chance your kid’s school can’t compete financially. Or, worse, they aren’t as creative.


Keep An Open Mind

Once you’re aware of a drop in standards, then it’s time to weigh up the alternatives. Moms can’t let their children continue to go to a school which is inferior. Instead, it’s important to consider a transfer to provide them with the best possible education. Transferring is easy to do as long as there is a place available at the respective school.

Moms aren’t closed off to the idea, yet they do have reservations. Why? It’s because of the impact on the child. Plus, the extra responsibility it can put on the family’s shoulders. Your kids will have lifelong friends at school and won’t want to leave. And, they won’t see the method in your thinking because they are too young to understand. It’s only later on in life that they’ll thank you for making a brave decision.

Of course, the child’s well-being is an important factor and shouldn’t be dismissed. But, in the end, it comes down what’s best for them, not necessarily want they want. A transfer isn’t a foregone conclusion, but it should be in the back of your mind when there is a better level of education on offer.



There’s no better way to keep an open mind than to become the teacher. Homeschooling is a big decision, yet it’s one that thousands of parents make for the sake of their kids. For one thing, the class sizes are tiny in comparison to an elementary or high-school. Secondly, understanding how to teach is easier thanks to online courses, but you don’t have to do it alone. For example, there are plenty of Online programs for kids in Canada like NovoJolt and similar online programs elsewhere that have lessons for children to follow covering a range of interests and subjects. Plus, there’s the fact that you know what works best for your children. And, thirdly, lots of the cons are myths or avoidable. Not every homeschooled child is a social pariah.

The key is to weigh up whether it is feasible. As a mom, there’s a good chance that you’ll be the one who has to step in as the teacher. Dads aren’t as in tune with the idea and lack the patience required. So, it means giving up a career to focus on your son’s or daughter’s future. Are you ready for that right now? Don’t forget about the money situation too. It’s a full-time job without pay, which means the other half will have to earn enough for the whole family.

Anyone who can avoid the pitfalls should take a look at parents.com/kids/education/home-schooling/. Follow the link and you’ll find info on the requirements to become a homeschooler and the different ways to do it.




Be Helpful

Teachers often complain about the lack of help they get from parents. In their view, moms want to provide questions without any answers. The relationship between the two can be strained as there is a tug of war dynamic. Both parties are pulling opposite directions and the kids get caught in the middle. The solution is to be of assistance rather than a pain in the ass.

Here’s an example: budget cuts mean there aren’t enough assistants in schools. Therefore, teachers have to deal with thirty to forty children without a backup. It’s daunting and it isn’t healthy for the kids. A quick fix is to offer your services as a TA. Teaching assistants go into classrooms and do work from dealing with naughty students to overseeing class work. Although they moan, teachers could do with the extra pair of hands.

Don’t be afraid to discuss resources either. TEAMology.team/ruby-resiliency/ is an excellent tool for teachers with challenging students. The project acts as a common language for kids so that they can understand subjects better. Educators may not have come across this before, which is why dropping it into the conversation is a wise move. Just don’t push too hard because you will strain the relationship.


Keep On Top Of Homework

One way schools try and negate a lack of money and resources is to set homework. By getting them to complete tasks outside of the classroom, teachers can get through more of the curriculum. The only thing is they need parents to be on board. Otherwise, kids slack off and play video games and don’t understand the topic. And, it’s them who suffer not the school or teachers.

This is one area where teachers and moms are in sync. Parents understand the importance of it, which is why they inquire about if the kids have any and how much. Also, you probably like to know what it is to stay in the loop. Unfortunately, asking or nagging isn’t enough because kids will lie. “No, we don’t have any for today” or “sure, but I’ve already done it” are stock responses. And, who are you to not believe them? The last thing you want to do is call them a liar.

The subtle way to do it is to communicate with their teacher. When you think something funny is going on, call them and ask them about homework. Are they setting it? What days? Is there a pattern? By interacting you can come together to ensure that homework is completed on time.



Ask Questions

The school isn’t infallible and moms should hold their feet to the flames. If they aren’t performing properly, it’s up to the parents to take decisive action. The only way to do that is to ask questions of the educators. Their answers should give you an insight into what they are doing if it can be better, and what you can do to help. Also, it makes your children liable because what they say may not look good on them. Teachers aren’t afraid to snitch.

You should never accuse anyone of anything, which is why a soft touch is required. The trick is to spot your chance and seize the moment. Can’t you think of any? Well, the parent-teacher conference is a fantastic opportunity. The whole night is set up to provide a platform for conversation.

Starting it can be difficult, but we have your back. The linked post has a range of questions which you should consider, such as “what can we do at home?” Take a look for inspiration.



Never underestimate the effectiveness of playing. Kids who learn how to enjoy their education are the ones that never stop consuming information. So, making school fun is imperative. Your job is to make learning at home enjoyable by being creative. For example, play games which involve basic skills such as math and science. Monopoly teaches them mental arithmetic while a science kit uses reactions to wow and amaze.

What do you think – can you positively contribute to your children’s education?

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Carly Ryan

Carly Ryan is a freelance writer and mother of 2. She enjoys writing about fitness, food, nutrition and health for other moms! Freelance writing has always been her passion along with fitness so she combined the two and hopes to be able to share her passion with others!

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