Health and Fitness Tips Blogs

Why Exercising in Groups May Not Be For You

One of the most popular workout hacks at the moment is to exercising in groups. Here are the benefits:

–   Guilt

–    Added drive

–    Feel less self-conscious

–    More fun

It seems like a no-brainer. Working out alone is tough and it leads to mini-crises. When someone is by your side, there is a person who can keep you going and pull you along or vice versa. So, this raises an important question: why does it suck so much?

To answer that, you have to look at what you are giving up and what you are missing out on, too. Here’s what to remember before committing to the group mentality.



You Can Go When And Where You Want

Inevitably, there are hold-ups with groups because everyone wants to be nice and accommodating. The truth is you are dying to try out a new trail or swap up leg day for arm day, but don’t have the cojones. Sadly, it’s a democracy and everyone will tow the party line. Life is too short to stick to a rigid regime. Sometimes, it’s amazing to mix things up and be spontaneous. On your own, you can go where you want when you want to because no one is holding you back.


You Can Stop

There is an assumption that constant movement is healthy. Well, this isn’t the case all of the time. The body is tired and it’s telling you to rest. Listen to it and do as you are told. Groups never do this because the fatigued members are at the mercy of the leader. If he or she is feeling fresh, then the pace won’t stop until the end. Sure, this is a good feature when you are doing a relatively short distance such as 10k. Cycling 26 miles, on the other hand, requires rest points to recharge and take on fluids. Stopping isn’t a negative.


You Don’t Have To Leave The House

The basement is now a home gym. At least, it will be when there is enough equipment. After all, treadmills, rowing machines and cycling bikes are expensive and complicated. For those of you that need inspiration, you can start here and move onto this link afterward. Once the gym is ready to go, there is no point in leaving the house. The idea is that you can do it from the comfort of your home. Because there is only enough space for a handful of people, the group won’t be allowed. Are they as vital as a comfortable home gym?


Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

You Can Stick To A Plan

Exercising in groups is supposed to be easier. However, the truth is that people are at different levels and require different things. Bench pressing with a person who can lift 100 lbs more than you isn’t going to do any good. Not only is it dangerous, but it’s a knock to your self-confidence. Working out alone means you can follow your specific goals to the letter without having to compromise.


Which camp are you in – groups suck or they’re a necessary evil?


Featured Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

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TWL Working Mom

Jennifer is the owner of TWL Working Moms. She is a full time teacher, a mom & step mom, and NBCT Facilitator. Jennifer lives in Washington State and is a born + raised New Yorker. In her spare time, she loves traveling, yoga, the beach, writing, listening to books and drinking coffee.

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One Comment

  1. Awesome post, this post is very helpful for me. It has a lot of information in Exercising in Groups . Thanks for sharing. Best Upright Exercise bike

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