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7 Holistic Health Tips For Working Mom to Super-Charge The Day

FinallMoms, you do it all, don’t you? Between taking out the trash, balancing the demands of your own flourishing career, preparing meals, and managing everyone’s schedules, its a wonder that you can squeeze in a bit of self-care here and thee to revive and refresh yourself. With all of the increasing demands on your time, your mind, and your body, it is essential that you prioritize your own self-care and holistic health tips so that you can remain present and available for your much-loved family members. An empty bucket fills nothing and no one; your job is to fill yourself up so that you can be the “Super” mom that you’ve always dreamed of becoming. 

So how do you manage to maintain and even improve your health amidst unexpected mishaps, schedule changes, and the craziness of life? It can be done! The following tips are designed just for you-squeeze them into your busy day, learn to prioritize yourself, and you’ll soon find that your whole family will benefit from a healthier, happier, more energetic form of you. Australian ladies earn 83.1 per cent of a man’s average earnings. US women earn simply 77 per cent of what the common US man makes. Get ready to uncover your best self as you put these holistic health tips to good use and start seeing results almost immediately:


Tip #1: Master the art of the “mini-workout” 

Can I get a witness? The only way for some of us busy moms to squeeze in our exercise is by mastering the art of the mini-workout-ten minutes here, fifteen minutes there. Cumulatively, it’s all the same; your heart rate goes up, you are working muscle groups with intention, and you’re burning calories. 

Try doing some squats or push-ups while you’re waiting for something to simmer on the stove, or some quick yoga stretches while you are standing on the sidelines watching your kiddos play at the park. Of course, you could always join in on the fun and participate in their swinging, monkey bar, and slide play. Nothing energizes the body like some good old fashioned play!


Tip #2: Take some good supplements

As you are flying from place to place, you need to think about priming your body with some good fuel. It is simply not possible to get all of our daily vitamins and nutrients from the food that we eat and drink anymore; our soil is too nutritionally deficient. 

The food you eat directly impacts your digestive track & overall health. One must try benefits of quitting coffee. Eating well reduces the risk of physical & mental health problems. Finding and taking some good vitamin and mineral supplements such as fresh fruits, whole-grains, vegetables & likewise, will help to fortify your efforts to fuel your body, and they will provide you with energy and immune-boosting benefits that will help to supercharge all of your mom activities.


Tip #3: Don’t let your social life die

Total health and wellness include healthy relationships. It is easy to get lost in the day to day shuffle of family demands soon you realize that you’ve neglected your friendships, and you feel isolated and alone. Schedule regular coffee and shopping dates with friends, and reconnect with some of those who were in your life before your wonderful family came along. It is part of being a healthy, well-rounded person who is able to give back.

girl friends
Photo by Adrienn from Pexels

Tip #4: For love, get some sleep!

Never underestimate the power of a good night’s sleep! While it might not always be easy to get an uninterrupted 7 hours of sleep as needed, do the best to get what you can when you can. If the kids go down for a nap, take one yourself! Instead of binge-watching Netflix when they go to bed, turn in early and establish good sleep habits so you can fully recharge for the next busy day. Your mind, body, and emotions will thank you!


Tip #5: Manage your stress levels

Another holistic health tip is that you likely have many stressors in your life-your career and job demands, the demands of your family, and day to day worries about the flow of life. Everyone has stressors, it’s what we choose to do with our stress that determines whether our body will feel the adverse effects of that stress. 

Practicing some deep breathing, doing yoga and meditation, journaling, and nature walks are all proactive ways to manage and reduce stress, thus improving your health and your outlook on life. The less you succumb to stress, the more you will be able to fully experience moments of joy and peace in your daily life. These moments are magical and priceless; gravitate toward less stress and more joy, and your whole day will flow more smoothly.

happy woman
Photo by Andre Furtado from Pexels

Tip #6: Plan your meals instead of grazing

The healthiest moms eat with intention. We are all tempted to graze from the plates of leftover food and snack items that are from our children. But these are not necessarily the healthiest options for our mature bodies. Plan your meals at regularly scheduled intervals if you can. Eat with the intention to fuel your body with the healthiest food possible. Don’t forget to throw in a decadent treat from time to time; it’s good for the soul.


Tip #7: Stay well hydrated

We simply don’t drink enough water, that’s a fact. Replace those cups of coffee and trips to the soda can with fresh, pure water, and aim for drinking at least half your body weight in ounces daily. You’ll start seeing and feeling a difference almost immediately when your body is properly hydrated.

female needs to hydrate
Photo by Daria Shevtsova from Pexels

Celebrate what you are doing!

Finally, good job, Mama! You’re taking care of you, and because you do such a wonderful job. Rockstar it up for the rest of your family. Keep prioritizing your care, and you’ll raise the bar on what you thought was possible for your achievements as a professional. As a mom, and as a powerful woman, you can do it!


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Helen Cartwright

Helen Cartwright is a passionate blogger who, over several years, have written content that spans a broad range of industries. Topics she has covered till date include a variety of verticals that contain niches like Health, Food, Branding, Restaurant; to a very different niche of Business, and trending marketing agendas. Since childhood, Helen was under the influence of reading different stories that ultimately created her profession as a writer. When not wired in digital, or even offline marketing strategies, she ghost-writes for various authors who have their work published on leading online media channels such as The Huffington Post and Entrepreneur.com.

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