Remote work has been on the rise for several years. At first, it was out of necessity for everyone’s safety. As we start to enter a post-pandemic world, however, remote work continues to be popular. Employers and employees alike have seen the incredible benefits of remote working parents from home. Increased flexibility, better work-life balances, and fewer overhead costs are just a few.
While there are plenty of perks, there are also some potential drawbacks to remote working parents remotely.
Being home with your family can make it hard to feel “present”. It can be difficult to get work done while everyone else is enjoying their free time. Some people also have a harder time adopting a healthy work-life balance. Creating the temptation to work more hours at home than you would in a traditional office setting.
If you’re a parent, finding a balance is crucial.
Working from home can offer you more flexibility and time to spend with your kids, but only if you take active steps to be more present.
Let’s cover a few ways you can bond with your family while working from home, so you can truly enjoy the best of both worlds.
Although you might like to be spontaneous and enjoy every little moment with your family, it isn’t always feasible when you’re working from home. It takes a lot of discipline to stick with your job, and if you allow yourself to get distracted by your family throughout the day, you’re not going to be productive.
So, set aside special time for your family every week. Put them in your schedule. Doing so will let them know that they are an important priority and strengthen your bond.
Going on a walk through your neighborhood, cooking dinner together, going to a movie, or heading to the park are all great ways to spend more time together.
Having a family picnic is another great way to bond and work on a few skills with your children, too! They can help you prepare the meal, and you can encourage them to try new foods. That’s especially important if you have a picky eater. Offer different choices, start small, and make new foods as fun and appealing as possible.
Whatever you decide to do with your family fun time, focus on being present and leaving work behind. Consider some of your children’s favorite activities, or dive into some of their interests so they know they are valued and that you want to be involved in their lives as much as possible.
You can also engage in your local community when it comes to things like school functions, extracurricular activities, and volunteer opportunities. Sign up to help with your children’s band camp, or bring snacks to their baseball game for the whole team. Parental engagement isn’t just a necessity, it’s a great way to show your kids you care about everything they’re doing and that you’ll be there to support them.
Stick With a Routine
Establishing a healthy work-life balance to benefit your family, is easier to do when you have a daily routine in place.
If you went to an office every day, you would be expected to show up at a certain time and leave at a certain time. It should be no different when you’re working from home. Unfortunately, far too many people fall into the trap of sleeping in, starting work late or even staying up all hours of the night to get things done.
Not only is that not sustainable, but it will destroy your work-life balance.
Instead, set consistent work hours for yourself every day. If possible, set them around your children’s schedule so you can do most of your work while they’re in school or daycare, and be more present with them when they’re home.
When your workday is done, disconnect from your duties to enjoy family time. You can make that easier on yourself by
- Having a designated office space;
- Take breaks throughout the day so you don’t feel so overwhelmed;
- Letting your co-workers and employer know when you’re “in-office” and available for communication;
- Communicate with your family members about your working hours so they don’t disturb you.
By setting boundaries and establishing what hours you work each day, you’ll have more quality time with your family. Your mental and physical health will also benefit from a routine since you’re less likely to experience burnout from remote working parents too much.
Maintain Your Mental Health
While setting specific work hours is a good place to start, it’s important to manage your mental health every day through self-care practices.
No matter how much is on your plate, you won’t be able to care for your kids properly if you’re exhausted or anxious about work.
There are more health risks associated with remote work than many people realize, including things like
- Poor circulation;
- Headaches;
- Dry eye;
- Sleeping disorders;
- Depression.
By choosing to take care of yourself — physically and mentally — it will be easier to spend quality time with your family and have the energy and focus to enjoy every moment.
Self-care doesn’t have to be anything extravagant. Find what works for you when it comes to de-stressing each day. That could include exercising, journaling, or even finding time to talk to other remote working parents from home to know that you have a support system on your side. If you want to work on being more present, consider practices like mindfulness or meditation.
Self-care is far from selfish. It’s necessary, and you’ll end up being a better parent when you take it seriously.
Whether you recently started working from home or are a WFH veteran looking for a new rhythm, keep these suggestions in mind. It can be extremely rewarding to work remotely as a parent. On days when you’re feeling overwhelmed, don’t forget about those incredible benefits.
However, time management is crucial, and choosing to take care of yourself isn’t an option. When you do, you’ll see how much healthier your work-life balance can be, and how much more present you’ll feel with your children.