Many adults struggle trying to find a balance between letting the kids have fun and trying to teach them something. Little do they know that it is possible to achieve this with ease. As a retired elementary school music teacher, I know a thing or two about what makes children develop an interest in singing a song, playing an instrument, or dancing. At this point in my life, I am making a conscious effort to share the love of music with my two young grandsons, and discovering how new songs and artists brings us closer together. Here’s how we can entertain and educate with good music apps.
Ignite the creative spark of your grandkids with music
Bringing education and entertainment together is not as difficult as it may first appear. Music in particular lends itself well to this. There is nothing that a young child responds to better than an exciting, uptempo song – or funny lyrics! I know my boys jump up and dance in their pajamas if I so much as turn on the radio in the morning. But getting them in a good mood is not where the positive influence of music ends.
Responding to music through art is common in children and can aid them in increasing their creative potential and abstract thinking. This, in turn, can help them develop an interest in an endless array of subjects, from music itself, to visual arts, to engineering and musical instrument crafts. In my experience, young students benefit greatly from this. Children’s music artists, lyricists and composers are sometimes true magicians with what they can achieve!
Explore new kinds of music together
In recent years, nothing has brought me greater joy than discovering new children’s music with my grandkids. We are having so much fun together! Places such as the Children’s Music Network blog are great for finding children’s music albums. Some other apps can serve the purpose too. You’d be surprised how good children’s music songs can be nowadays. All the genres are represented and all the tastes catered to.
Teach your young ones to dance
I may not be in top form to hit the dance floor anymore but my two grandsons sure have all the energy in the world to do so! This is why I always keep a music app ready on my tablet whenever I see they’re getting restless and have energy to spare. I have even found an excellent list of apps you can use for this purpose.
Helpful Apps to Entertain Kids with Music
Streaming services and kid friendly radio stations like Children’s Radio BBC and the Kidz Bop Radio online play free kids music all day long. My boys have already asked me to enroll them in dance classes and I sure intend to grant them this little wish.
Also Read: 5 Health Benefits of Music Nobody will Tell You
Over time, I have learned that nothing brings the family together quite like music. It helps the young ones grow and learn, be happy and discover new things – and it also helps us older folk truly enjoy our time with the ones we care about the most. The fact that my grandkids are growing to be such lively, curious, intelligent individuals is really a source of pride for me. Music has a large part to play in this story.
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