You Don’t Need Ads on Your Site to Monetize Your Blog. Here’s How Bloggers Make Six Figures.
When you begin blogging, it usually is a side job. Many start off wanting to write and then move in the direction of wanting writing to give them extra money. Naturally, we know that by adding items like ads to our site, we will make money. But in order to make money off of ads, you need to have a lot of them. This can compromise your user’s experience on your site because ads can be overwhelming and distracting. In turn, this leads to a higher bounce rate on your articles and less engagement.
So, how can you monetize your blog without ads? This article gives you some insight on how to monetize your blog without ads.
Where do I start?
Blogging takes more time and effort than many realize. Many believe they will start writing on their blog and then it’s easy to monetize your blog. Unfortunately, that is not completely true. Combined with good content and a way to monetize your blog, you will make money as a blogger. But like mentioned above, too many ads can draw away from your user’s experience and your bounce rate will skyrocket. Think about how you feel when there are tons of ads on a website, you tend to click out of that page right away. Yes, you want to use ads to make money, but is it worth it if they’re driving away your potential clients? QUID came up with a different solution for you.
What is QUID?
QUID is modern payment platform that lets you transact in pennies at very high volumes. It’s designed to work with all kinds of currencies and in all kinds of environments, specifically your blog. Instead of getting a percentage of your ad monetization taken away, QUID.
On Wordpress, you can choose to display a payment button with a price that you can set for each post. There can also be a display a slider that lets the user choose the amount to pay. Instead of having ads, you can charge a small fee per episode, or per blog post. This would really work on high traffic blog posts that your audience comes to visit specifically for a reason. For example, if you have a high traffic article that teaches readers how to create a blog, how to use Tailwind, or how to make money on email marketing, these would be perfect to place a QUID payment option on.
Whether you are a small blogger or a larger business, QUID is for you. Monthly plans are made affordable for you to add it into your business plan. Using QUID will help avoid third party fees when working hard to get payment from other websites like Paypal, plus they have a great help department if you need answers to any problems.
How do I use it?
Another great way for your audience to support you is to use QUID. It is perfect for your blog or podcast. The payment plugin can be added as optional or required. Which is perfect if you are looking for donations. You can create an account and set up your banking information so the money can be transferred directly to you.
Users will need to create an account of their own to send payment, but it will keep them on your site while doing so. This way your audience will be able to return to your site. As of right now, QUID supports USD and CAD. Soon they will support other currencies. Creating an opt-in on your site? Use QUID to collect payment from your customers so they can access their purchases.
As shown below, with Wordpress, it is easily added to a blog post as a plugin so you just have to fill out the information if you want it on a specific page. All options are available for you to set your own price and where you want the plugin to be.
Freelance writing
Another great way to monetize your blog without using ads is to freelance write. There are many sites out there that are in need of freelance writers, you can put your skills to good use. Contenta, Craigslist and Freelance Writing Gigs are great ways to get your name out there and market your writing skills. Along with keeping up with backlinks to your site, you can make money and monetize your blog. Creating a “Freelance Writing” page on your own site can help monetize your site without ads. Steady revenue-driven onto your site through different avenues besides ads can help you to have a balanced monthly income.
Final thoughts
Overall, relying on ads to monetize your blog will result in no money coming in. Unless you have an extremely high monthly traffic blog, 100,000 views and more monthly, as a blogger you cannot rely on that income.
This post contains affiliate links and I may receive a commission, at no additional cost to you, should you purchase through one of my links. Please see my disclosure for more information.
Nice post. Very helpful. I’m working on monetize my social media. It’s a little scary, so that’s why I found this post helpful. I would like to know more.
Yes! If you check out their website, they have some great videos that go over it and explain even more details. But basically you are charging your readers for something – maybe they want to donate (that’s an option) or you want them to pay for a resource to access it –maybe it’s a printable, an ebook, an article… etc. QUID is easy to use and doesn’t have the fees like other companies do to receive payments.