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5 Ways to Get More Exercise into Your Family’s Lifestyle

Do you feel like your family is not getting as much exercise as it maybe should? This is a common feeling that parents get. You’re right to be concerned about it when you consider the health implications it can have for you and your children going forward. So, what should you do to get more exercise into your family’s lifestyle? We’ve got some ideas that should help you achieve that.



Make Different Vacation Decisions

 When you’re travelling with your family, you should aim to do things that keep your all active. Sure, sitting on the beach all day can be appealing. But if you get into the habit of taking active and exercise-filled vacations, it’ll be much healthier for you all. So next time you need to plan a vacation or a short break with the family, make better decisions.


Limit Screen Time

 One of the reasons we spend so little time outdoors being active is that we’re spending times staring at screens instead. You’re doing it right now, and your kids probably are too. With computers, TVs, video games and phones taking up so much of our time and attention, it’s hard to find the time for anything else. So try to limit the amount of screen time you all have and spend that time outside instead.



Stop Relying on the Car

 If you’re a family that usually gets around by car, you should rethink this. Yes, it can be the most convenient way. But if you have some bikes gathering dust in the shed, maybe you should use these to get around as a family more often. Or you could simply make more of an effort to walk when the place you need to get to is not too far away.



Learn Judo

Finding a sport or activity that your family can all do, and embrace is not always easy. But Judo is suitable for all ages and is a lot of fun as well. Most importantly, it’s a great form of exercise. So if you want to learn more, find some accurate information about Judo and talk it through with your family. It could be something that you all get a lot out of.



Adopt a Puppy

 This one is always going to go down well with the family, but it’s not just the cute factor that makes adopting a puppy such a great idea. When you have a dog, you have a responsibility to keep that dog active and give it the exercise it needs. And this means that your family have to share the responsibility of walking it, allowing you all to get more active.


Final thoughts

It’s easier than you think to make your lifestyle and the lifestyle of your family in general more active and healthier. You just need to think outside the box and break some of your old routines to ensure you find ways to get active and be positive in your daily lives. It’ll be more than worth it in the end.


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TWL Working Mom

Jennifer is the owner of TWL Working Moms. She is a full time teacher, a mom & step mom, and NBCT Facilitator. Jennifer lives in Washington State and is a born + raised New Yorker. In her spare time, she loves traveling, yoga, the beach, writing, listening to books and drinking coffee.

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  1. I find if we can all do it, then it is more likely we will do it. So we try to find family activities to do.

  2. These are such great ideas to stay active as a family. Once the warm days get here we love to take strolls in the park together. So fun!

  3. Thanks for the motivation! My wife and I need to start walking.

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