Pregnant moms get tons of advice. From their family, friends, cousins, sisters, the coffee girl, the grocer, random people on the streets – etc. Those 9 months you sit and think about all of this advice given to you and are not sure what to do with until the baby actually comes out! With a newborn, you just never know how to handle any situation until it happens to you.
As moms, we always know what is the overall best answer for what our child needs, but at the same time, it is really nice to have some advice out there from real moms! I have reached out to a bunch of moms who have been through it all so far, and put it together for one big, happy family of advice for you new mommies!
This article shows specific pieces of advice from other mom bloggers:
“Get a nosefrida and have all medicine in the house”
Esther @ | Instagram: @brownmomrising
“Get outside with baby! Even just sitting on the back porch for a few minutes can lift your and baby’s mood if a hard day is present.”
Tori @
“Give yourself grace! Being a mommy is so hard and you will struggle at times. It doesn’t mean you’re a bad mom, it’s means you’re normal!”
Andrea @, IG @andreafortenberry, FB:
Devotion Pack: Notes to my Mama Friends
“I have a few 🙂 1. Relax. Everything will happen in time. 2. Try to enjoy the crazy hectic moments because they will be gone before you know it. 3. Always drink the good wine!”
Rosie @ |
Blog post for new mom here!
“Happy Mom means Happy Family! Take Five to Keep the Spirits High! Make sure you take care of yourself so you can take care of your loved ones. Take time out for yourself, even if it’s only FIVE minutes in a day to do something exclusively for YOU (even if it’s as simple as doodling on a napkin!) because those 5 minutes can be a real booster that can change the rest of your (& your family’s) day for the better. “
Nabila @
FB, IG, Twitter, & Pinterest: @EvrLearnEvrLast
YouTube Channel: Everlearning, Everlasting
“Don’t get overwhelmed, we all learnt it one day at a time.”
Ophira @ Blog: | A Blog Post For new Mommies
“Give your self so much grace! You’re not going to know it all on day one, and that’s okay!”
Kimberly @
“Find yourself a group of mum friends that will support you on the good and bad days.”
Ayse @
“Get your body moving once you’re cleared for exercise. Even just a 30 minute walk can do you so much good.”
How Fitness Helped Me Cope With Postpartum Depression
“You’ll receive advice from family, friends, coworkers, acquaintances and yes, even strangers. Add that to the books, blogs, articles and research you’ve done on your own– it’s SO easy to feel overwhelmed!
But once your baby is here, the best advice that I can give is to trust your gut. You’ll likely end up pulling bits and pieces from all of your information sources to find something that works for you and your baby– there is not a one size fits all approach! You will know your baby better than anyone else, so do what makes you the most comfortable. And the good news is that if it doesn’t work, you can always try something else. Go easy on yourself– the learning curve is steep but you WILL figure it out. Your little one is lucky to have you!”
Jessica @,,
“Don’t be too hard on yourself to be a “perfect” mom. Sometimes things won’t go exactly the way you planned, but as long as your little one is cared for and loved, then you’re doing great!”
Brittany @
“Be sure to research & find products that grow with you and your family.”
Katie @,,,
“When your child will not stop crying, look at you or your partner and try to figure out what you or your partner are not expressing and may want to cry about. It is truly amazing that once you or your partner expresses themselves, your child will stop crying.”
Jennifer @,,
“Breastfeeding is hard work and many moms struggle at first. Give yourself grace to learn how to do it. There are some great resources for helping to make it easier. I’d highly recommend milkies, and a nursing cover!”
Jenna @
“Have confidence in yourself! You are the one your baby needs! Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it!”
Carmela @
“The best article I’ve read about being a parent? Don’t prevent your child from trying something, learning, playing, etc. because it will cause you additional work! I think of this DAILY when my 7 month old son is doing something messy & I remind my husband of it often. Today, after he poured his pears upside down and smeared them on his clothes/hair/face & then looked at me with a grin and his fingers in his mouth, I knew he had just learned how to get the food out of the bowl and into his mouth on his own. Of course I spent the next 30 minutes cleaning him, the kitchen, & his high chair, but he just discovered how to FEED HIMSELF… and oh how worth it that is! His smile of accomplishment was worth the mess… Oh, also, sleep when baby sleeps!”
Sarah @ and MrsSarahFry on Instagram/Pinterest/Twitter/Snapchat
“Take it one day at a time.”
Faith @ Blog:
Facebook: Lucent Madness | Instagram: _lucentmadness
“No Matter how much you want to give to your baby, give to yourself equally if not more. Being a mother is HARD work and if you don’t fuel yourself, you won’t be able to take care of everyone happily.”
Afra @ IG is @throughmamaseyesblog
What You Need To Know About The Emotional Journey Of A VBA2C
“Give yourself time to adjust to your new role. It’s okay to ask for help, but it’s also okay to do things your own way.”
Krystal @
Photo by Liana Mikah on Unsplash
“Every baby is different, so not every mom’s advice will fit just right. Feel free to “try on” new tips and ideas, but ultimately you will know what is right for your situation and your home.”
Julie @ / / /
Nanny Interview Questions with Free Printable Checklist
Being a mom isn’t easy. But doing some research to find the advice you need is. Luckily nowadays there is a plethora of information and we have it right here for you.
Fab roundup of mommy advice! Thanks for including me 🙂
I wish I had read all this fantastic advice when I was a new mom! Glad to be a part of the roundup.
Me too!!! I totally needed this
Thank you ! It’s so good to have such good advice
Wonderful advice all around 🙂 thanks for including me in your roundup! Honoured 🙂
Thanks for sharing with us !
So much great advice! Thanks for letting me contribute!
Thanks for adding ! New moms need all the advice they can get
Such a wonderful resource of articles and advice for new moms. I am sure this will help them feel more confident on this new journey.
Thank you!!! I wish I had this when I was pregnant !
Trust your gut but always try to learn and grow!