Parenting & Motherhood Tips

Recently Separated? Top Tips for Mastering Single Mom Life

Going through a separation from your spouse can certainly be difficult. It can be even more challenging during a divorce when you have children. The transition to single motherhood can be bumpy, but it can be made all the smoother through patience and determination. If you’re willing to embrace your new status, you’re already ahead of the game.

Balance Work/Home Life

You might have much less time to spend at home after a divorce. You might be spending many hours at your lawyer’s or working overtime. Don’t kick yourself for this, as it can be necessary. However, you should still make time for your kids as much as possible. Get up a little earlier than normal to make their lunches and try your best to tuck them in. You should also stress proper communication about what’s been happening and answer any questions they might have.

Make Schedules

By pulling double-parent duty, you have a lot more on your plate. You can’t make the days any longer, but you can ensure your time is used more efficiently. Make a schedule and stick to it as best as you can. If you feel like there’s more to do than you can handle, write down what needs to be done. You might be surprised to realize how relatively little there is to accomplish and how little time it will take. If there are things you can’t make time for, ask yourself how important they actually are.


Find a New Place to Live

A divorce can be a fresh start for you and your children. In order to not feel burdened by the past, a new home can be an ideal solution. Look for single family homes in your price range. These can be efficient and attractive dwellings. Plus, you can also socialize with other single-parent families. As a result, you can get some good advice on living this lifestyle to your fullest.

Remember Self-Care during divorce

You will likely be caught up in doing things for your children. This is noble and necessary, but it can stress you out tremendously if you aren’t considering yourself. Remember that you deserve to be treated well, and the best person to offer that treatment is yourself. Take time every day to be good to yourself. This could be enjoying a favorite snack, reading an inspiring poem, or calling an old friend. Don’t let yourself feel guilty about enjoying yourself during the time of  a divorce.

It’s completely normal to feel a bit lost and confused after a divorce or separation. It might even take over a year to feel even close to “normal.” Remember that there’s no deadline to feeling better. As a single mother, you have it in you to shape your narrative and your children’s for the better. Know this and take each moment as it comes, ready to face the challenges ahead.


Featured Photo by Katie Emslie on Unsplash

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TWL Working Mom

Jennifer is the Owner of TWL and Co-Owner of a Influencer Facebook Group Influential Mamas.  Along with blogging + freelance writing and selling Zyia Activewear, she is a mom, army wife and full-time teacher. Jennifer lives in Washington State and is a born + raised New Yorker. In her spare time, she loves traveling, yoga, the beach, writing, listening to books and drinking coffee.

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