Having a mom blog is one of the biggest blogging niches out there in 2018. Even The Huffington Post has its own page for Mom Blogs. Blogging used to be something that people really did for fun and to get their emotions out that their friends and family really didn’t want to hear. Fast forward to 2018, and blogging is not only a place where people get to voice their opinions but they are making a full-time income off of their sites. Not this is not true for every blog out there, but more and more bloggers are working on monetizing their hobby.
Mom blogging has turned from moms who were blogging about their kids to giving advice to other moms through many different niches of mom life. Converting your mom blog into a business is not always as difficult as it seems, but it does take a lot of hard work and effort. Here are some tips to getting started in converting your mom blog into a business:
Featured Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash
Determine your niche.
Being just a mom blog in 2018 will not give you that unique audience that you are looking for. Finding a specific niche as a mom blogger is the place to start. Are you a toddler mom? Are you a working mom? SAHM? Infant Mom? Pregnant mom? Kinder Mom? Picking a specific niche can help you narrow in on the audience that really needs your content and your products.
Host your site.
When turning a blog into a business, you cannot have a free site anymore. Make sure to find a hosting site to put your blog onto. The sooner the better so that way you can start monetizing. Make sure to do your research on what company to pick to host your site and which is the easiest to work with.
Embedded analysis.
Having analytics on your site is crucial to turning your blog into a business. Embedded analytics integrates content within a business application. It provides relevant information and analytical tools to track audience, page views, unique visitors and more. Working with your page developer to make sure everything is up and running and being able to have a dashboard that keeps the information together for your easy access.
Start networking.
Connecting your platform with every type of social media out there along with joining blogging communities on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Telegram, etc.
Grow your email list.
Email list is an essential part of a business. The email list contains your audience that is more likely to read and buy your products because they are interested in your niche. Make sure to nurture your email list and continue to grow it. Having multiple ways and locations for your audience to be able to sign up for your email list throughout your site is key.
If you are planning to convert your blog to a full-time business and start selling products, whether it be consulting or another niche, make sure to continue blogging as for every business is extremely important. Forbes outlines 10 benefits of blogging on your website and how it proves to be successful for businesses.
Featured Photo by Anete Lūsiņa on Unsplash
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