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How to Stay Fit During the Holidays

The holidays are always so busy. Shopping, wrapping, traveling, visiting family, visiting friends, and decorating! When do you fit in time for working out? The answer always seems to turn into never. During the time of holidays, life always gets busy and fitness usually takes the back burner. How can you stay fit throughout a seasons of eating, drinking and being merry? The average person gains 5-7 pounds between Thanksgiving and New Years Day. Do you want to be the average?

Whether you are staying at home or traveling to family, there are a few ways that you can workout during the holidays.


Gym Classes-  If you are able to get to some gym classes, make sure to schedule them in advance so you hold yourself accountable by keeping the scheduled day and time.


Parking Far Away – 

When you are shopping, don’t fight to get the closest parking space. Park father away and try to get in those steps and the farther you park the more you will be walking.


Shop Longer – 

Take extra laps around the mall when you are doing your holiday shopping. Plan out your shopping so you are covering the whole mall multiple times.


Winter Sports –

Ice skating, skiing, and snowboarding are all great ways to get your fitness in during the holidays. Why not take family trips to the ice skating rink, or do a sibling’s trip to the mountain to go snowboarding for the day? But remember, these activities require the correct gear such as a safety snowboarding helmet, gloves, and snow boots to ensure you’re safe when participating.


Airport Walking- 

Traveling in the airports during the holidays doesn’t always just have to be able eating fast food and sitting. During layovers or waits from plane to plane, track your steps and set a goal of how many steps you want to get throughout your layover, try to include lots of stairs during this time if you have the option. This way you are being active before sitting on the plane for awhile.

When you are traveling or having to stay in hotels, you can play these videos on your laptop, iPad, tablet, or cell phone and there are workout videos where you don’t need any equipment. If family is staying over your house, you can set up the iPad in your room and do a quick 10 minute abs video or a 20 minute workout.


Family Step/FitBit Challenge – 

If your family members have a , challenge them to a step challenge. The week of Christmas or over the weekend, either one could be really fun and competitive!


Holidays are a hard time for fitness, but try out some the options above, what do you have to lose?


Need some Routines for Beginners? Check out the link below: 





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TWL Working Mom

Jennifer is the owner of TWL Working Moms. She is a full time teacher, a mom & step mom, and NBCT Facilitator. Jennifer lives in Washington State and is a born + raised New Yorker. In her spare time, she loves traveling, yoga, the beach, writing, listening to books and drinking coffee.

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