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Struggling in a Small Space? These Design Tips Will Help

Living in a home that feels cramped and tight can be frustrating, especially when you’re sharing it with others. If you can’t afford to scale up a little, you might feel like you’re trapped, and your hands are tied.

Fortunately, with a little bit of elbow grease and careful planning, there are some ways to maximize the space you have without doing a single renovation. Here are five tips to help you get more space out of your space.

With a little bit of elbow grease and careful planning, there are some ways to maximize the space you have without doing a single renovation. Here are five tips to help you get more space out of your space.

Buy Smaller Furniture

First of all, you need to face the reality that you might need to downsize your furniture. A massive lounge suite in a tiny living room will only make the space feel cramped and like you can barely move within it. Consider selling your larger pieces and repurchasing something that fits better – taking measurements will help!

Shop for small space couches, compact desks, and a bed that fits comfortably in your room with space for a bedside table too.

Focus on Height

The simple task of hanging your curtains higher up could drastically change the way your room looks. Height adds the illusion of space and small changes like this can make your home look and feel a little bigger without much effort. Consider higher bed frames, and taller shelves to help you out.

You can also make use of vertical lines to create the same effect.

Buy More Mirrors

Mirrors, especially full-length mirrors, can do wonders for creating the illusion of space in your home too. The light will bounce off of them, enhancing the natural light in your space, and making it look like there’s more to the room when there actually isn’t.

Place a floor mirror in your tighter spaces – these are perfect décor pieces and will make the room feel a little more open.

Become a Storage Pro

One of the easiest ways to make a small space feel even smaller is to have oodles of stuff lying everywhere. When it comes to smaller homes, going minimal is always the smarter option, which means that you want to avoid having too many items out on your countertops, on shelves and tables, and lying about in general.

Invest some money into proper storage solutions to help you through this issue. You’ll find loads of storage ideas online that can guide you and help you buy the right furniture, boxes and other organizational products to best fit in the space you have available.

Declutter Regularly

Finally, on the topic of clutter, you’ll also need to spend plenty of time decluttering if you want to keep up that minimal look in your home. Every week, you should be doing a tidy-up that helps you get rid of useless items that accumulate in your home, and make sure that things are packed away.

Then, on a semi-regular schedule, you should be decluttering your closet, drawers and shelves, kitchen items, trinkets, and even your kids’ toys (when they’re not looking).

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TWL Working Mom

Jennifer is the owner of TWL Working Moms. She is a full time teacher, a mom & step mom, and NBCT Facilitator. Jennifer lives in Washington State and is a born + raised New Yorker. In her spare time, she loves traveling, yoga, the beach, writing, listening to books and drinking coffee.

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