So tempting! I’ll definitely grab a bite of this scrumptious burger… Oh, I just can’t control the temptation!
Listen, human; you are doing nothing other than spoiling yourself. What will you get from stuffing your mouth? You will make yourself nothing else but a potato.
You think that you don’t have another option? You are living a dream then. You do have a choice of eating healthy, but the thing is that you ignore it completely. Old habits don’t die quickly. But you can’t escape by saying that you tried but you failed to develop the habit of eating healthy. Nothing is impossible in this world. It is just the matter of sheer efforts and passion for things.
We know it’s not easy to keep ourselves motivated for a more extended period, but yes it is not something impossible. If you truly desire to do something, nothing in this world can stop you. So are you passionate enough to change your old habits? Are you ready to transform your life for good? We are here to help you. We just need a commitment from you that you will stick to the healthy eating and won’t look at the unhealthy food.
Give us your commitment and we will tell you how you can keep yourself motivated to eat healthily.
It just takes one oath of eating healthy to change your life for good. We want that one oath from you. Are you giving us that? If yes then scroll down and find the amazing ways that will help you in staying on the track:
1. Write down your reasons
Pretty obvious right? We already know that you have a reason to change your eating habits. But here you have to do a bit extra. Take a piece of paper and write down the reasons for which you want to shift your unhealthy habit to the healthy one. What are the reasons that provoke you to bring a significant change to your eating habit? Jot down your weight loss goal.
Once you are done with the above step, now make a plan for it. Write down the sports you are interested in the most, but you are unable to play it because of your weight. Maybe it is mountain climbing, or you love playing tennis, but due to excess fat, you can’t breathe properly while playing the game. Visualize yourself playing your favorite sport without having any breathing problem, how does it feel? Feels great right? Everytime when you need that extra punch of motivation, take out this piece of paper and read your reasons for which you are working harder.
2. Read about health benefits of different foods
They say that surround yourself with positive energy; we say that surround yourself with positive food. Maintaining a healthy diet is essential for you. Suppose you are clueless about what health benefits do the food which you are eating contains, how would you maintain a healthy diet? Needless to say that it is essential to know the health benefits associated with the food you are eating.
Diet is not boring at all it is you who makes it boring. Trust us; you are clueless about what a delicious diet is. You get fed up with eating the same food within a few days. It is better that you bring positive changes in your life. You can search for different breakfast and lunch meals that are under 400 calories. But please make sure that you are searching for diet plans from credible sources. You may want to add supplements to your diet to ensure you are getting all of the nutrients that you need, or perhaps something like Gundry MD Total Restore if you want to boost your energy stores, support your efforts to slim down, and help promote a healthy gut.
You can look for the available diet plans that are easy to follow yet contain foods that keep you interested in following a healthy eating pattern. Educate yourself regarding the nutritional value of different foods. Once you have the complete know-how of nutritional value of different foods, you can easily make your own diet plan, accordingly. You could, for example, consider getting yourself some delicious honey from like Gold Bee to add to things like oatmeal or yoghurts for an extra boost of anti-oxidants within your new plan.
3. Keep the positivity coming
Positivity helps you a lot in shedding the extra pounds. All you need to do is to list down the things that bring a beautiful curve on your face. Maybe painting makes you happy, perhaps writing down your thoughts makes you happy. You just need to include the things on the list to get that extra shot of motivation when needed.
Write down the things that make you smile, make you feel good about yourself. When your motivation is low just have a look at the list and see the things that make you happy. Pick out that one thing you are longing for and start doing it.
Remember one thing; nobody is going to motivate you if you want to keep feeling miserable. Come on! It’s alright that nobody is motivating you. You can motivate yourself and can follow a healthy eating routine.
Another thing you have to keep in your cells is that people won’t stop pulling your leg. Don’t let their words demotivate you at all. A significant shift in life demands sheers efforts. Don’t let others define you because you already know what you are and what you can do.
Photo by Fernando Brasil on Unsplash
4. Track your progress
You can’t go anywhere unless you track your progress. It feels amazing when you successfully complete a healthy eating day. Make a chart on a computer or take out your notebook and write down what you eat that very day.
Trust us, writing down about the things you eat will keep you on track and you will get the satisfaction that you didn’t disobey the rules you set for yourself.
You must have heard many people saying that they are not experiencing significant changes in the weight, reason being they don’t follow a healthy eating pattern. They don’t track their progress because of which they don’t get to know whether they are following a healthy eating pattern.
Tracking your progress should be your next goal if it is not right now. We want you to take an oath now that you will follow a healthy eating pattern and you won’t stop following it till your last breathe.
Time to take a vow and tilt your life for good.
5. Take small steps
Eating junk and longing for a lean & healthy body doesn’t gel well. If you long to have a healthy body, you have to make some sacrifices. We are not asking you to cut out your favorite burgers completely from your life. Just take tiny steps towards a new beginning. You can have a cheat meal once a week to satisfy your craving for junk food.
If you feel that a strong body is just a dream then let us tell you straightforward, it is not a dream at all. You can give it a shape of reality with your willpower.
Suppose that your weight is 80 kgs and you want to bring it to 60 kgs then make small goals that result in fulfilling the ultimate big goal you have. Remind yourself of the time when you stuffed your mouth with lots of junk food. It didn’t take a day, just like it took time to gain weight, eliminating those stubborn pounds from your body will take time as well. Keep the spirit high and get going!
Bottom line
We are no dictator! This is your life, so the decision is all yours. Having a healthy body won’t be a dream for you if you are determined enough to give your goal shape.
It is sad that we all want to bring change to our lives, but we all lose the spirit after some time. This life is precious and you are not going to get one, once again. Always look for the available options you have, don’t let other’s to tell you which food is good or which one is bad unless it is a dietician telling you the same. It is never too late to give your life a new healthy angle.
Not enough time is left! Take a vow right now to stay fit and stay strong.
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