Home ImprovementParenting & Motherhood Tips

10 Ways for Busy Moms to Seriously Deep Clean their Home

If you live in a relatively large home, it’s no surprise that it takes a long time to clean everything. You were probably motivated about cleaning in the past, but due to doing it constantly, cleaning became tedious and boring. And it’s not easy making the decision to deep clean your home; this takes a lot of time and motivation – something not a lot of moms have.

Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to keep busy moms deep cleaning their homes without losing the will to do so. Without wasting any unnecessary time, here are ten ways for busy moms to seriously deep clean their homes!

Create a Cleaning Schedule

There’s no better way to keep busy than to follow a cleaning schedule that you, yourself, have created. After all, no one knows you better than yourself. So, create a cleaning schedule that fits your needs and free time. Remember never to push yourself too much as there’s no need to do so: A couple of days cleaning are a much better option than cleaning for more than 12 hours each day! During different seasons, you might see ants or spiders in your home. Call a pest expert to help solve this problem.

Spot Clean as Needed

Not everything is dirty so don’t clean places and locations in your home that don’t have almost any dirt or dust on them. Only spot clean the places you need to and are sure that are dirty. Try to minimize the time spent on cleaning by making it more efficient; clean only the things you need to (although, cleaning certain areas of your home slightly each day will help you keep it clean for longer).

Clear Out the Clutter and Keep it Away

If you are planning to clean the clutter then make sure that you throw all the unnecessary things away or else it will become messy within a week. Clear the clutter and get rid of anything you don’t need! To help you, why not have a look for cheap rubbish removals Melbourne or in an area near you, as there are companies that will load, clean up and take away the rubbish for you, recycling over 70% of the rubbish removed.


Photo by Alexandra Gorn on Unsplash

Make it ‘Easy-off-the-floor’ Clean

What does this mean? It means that anything you clean (but might need in the future) should be kept on the floor in designated places. These items don’t need to stay in your path, but they should still be available when necessary. This is where the ‘easy-off-the-floor’ part comes in: When you need something, it’s close to you!


A couple of people I know let their laundry pile up a lot before turning on the washing machine. The downside of doing things this way is that you will use an entire day or two just washing laundry. If you want to make this process more effective, just wash your laundry every second day for example. No headaches!

Use Your Vacuum for More Than Just Vacuuming the Carpet

Having a tough time with your hardwood? Why keep wiping it when you can vacuum it? It’s much easier to vacuum hardwood than to wipe it because it’s level; you’ll easily be able to pick up small crumbs or dust by using a vacuum on the hardwood, than if you were to clean it with a mop.

Use Newspaper to Wash Your Windows

Towels are a great choice, but they leave a ‘cleaning trail’ behind them. We recommend using newspaper as it’s much better at cleaning dirty windows and very rarely leaves a trail behind. Besides, you won’t have to clean the newspaper when you’re done with it; just throw it in the bin!


Photo by Nathan Fertig on Unsplash

Clean the Inside of your Fridge and StoveOnce a Month

You never know when something might burst and contaminate the rest of your food. Fridges are less to blame here, but such situations can still happen. Also, since you’re probably using your stove to cook lunch, any leftover oil can stick to the stove. Make sure you clean both your fridge and your stove each month at least once.

Dust the Decor

Guests and children mostly ignore decorative elements such as fine china, but they still accumulate dust which can be a health hazard. It’s your job to keep them nice and shiny, so they don’t cause any issues in your household. Dust the decor!


Doing dishes is just about the most boring part of being a housewife or cleaning your home. Not only do you have to wash every dish single-handedly, but you also need to wipe them clean and get rid of any excess water. This is much easier nowadays since people mostly use dishwashers, but it still means you need to clean your dishes every day. If you don’t, unpleasant and dangerous bacteria could form, and you could get sick!


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TWL Working Mom

Jennifer is the owner of TWL Working Moms. She is a full time teacher, a mom & step mom, and NBCT Facilitator. Jennifer lives in Washington State and is a born + raised New Yorker. In her spare time, she loves traveling, yoga, the beach, writing, listening to books and drinking coffee.

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