Studying at home can be amazing, you wake up, grab a coffee and some breakfast and then stay in your pajamas all day. It’s wonderful. However, there are downsides, the lack of motivation to get anything done and the distractions. There are temptations that staying at home and feeling you’re “free” brings. Also, if there are children home to help prevent you from studying and staying too long at work during the week. So here are some top tips for if you are studying at home.
Get The Right Background Noise
If you’ve never tried it, then now it the time, use an ambient noise app, like Coffitivity, to create soft background noise (like birds chirping or the chatter of a coffee shop). Apps like these are far better than listening to music on Pandora or Spotify, because they don’t have ads and they won’t create distracting dance parties, but will help you to stay focused on your work.
Make Your Chores Work For You
It can be tempting to start doing those chores you’ve been putting off like sorting out your junk drawer instead of writing that paper. Instead, try putting in a load of laundry and make this your work timer. From the moment you start the wash cycle, you have to be studying. You can take a break to switch loads and then start the timer again. Talk about multi-tasking; there’s no better way. Even create a daily cleaning checklist that can help alleviate the stress of having to clean all day on the weekends!
Take notes
Whether you’re studying midwifery online or have one day at home from your business degree, don’t let the fact that you can rewind and play an online lecture again keep you from taking notes. Instead, try and ditch the laptop and grab the trusted pen and paper. Research shows that when using laptops, students get distracted more and remember less. On top of that, you get less done.
One of the most important tricks to studying at home to make sure you still socialize. Sounds daft, right? But you will go crazy not talking to anyone all day. Try taking your lunch to a local park, taking a couple of hours to volunteer, or, at the very least, call a mate for a chat, whatever it is, make sure you get some fresh air and that you talk to someone during the day.
Get Dressed
While it’s a massive perk to be able to wear pajamas all day, but it has a downside. Many people find that not getting dressed makes you more likely to decide to watch one episode on Netflix, in bed, after lunch. And then two. Or maybe three. By getting up and getting ready for the day, you can help to set the tone for making it a productive day.
Use the Rule of Three.
The Rule of Three says that you should get just three things done. Make a list of what you have to do but only put the next three things on it. Once you have finished each one, give each task a good crossing-out once you finish it and then once you’ve completed those three things, create your next list. Make sure that each one is small enough that you can finish it quickly. This will help you to break down your massive list of things into smaller ones.
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