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Working Moms: You Do Have Time To Workout

Whether it’s because you want to shift those last few baby pounds, or that you need some me-time that has absolutely nothing to do with the little ones, having a regular workout routine can be a godsend to moms. Of course, as working moms are some of the busiest people on the planet, it can be tough for them to find the time to work out, but there are some things that can help with this. Read on to find out what they are.




Gyms with daycare

One of the most straightforward ways of ensuring that you have the time to work out a regular basis is to find a gym that offers daycare facilities. A service that means the little ones will not only be looked after but entertained as well, and you can attend your class, or spend an hour in the gym without having to worry.

Remember though, it’s always worth checking two things concerning gym daycare, both the qualifications and the checks that the staff have, as well as whether they charge an additional fee for such a service. After all, if you can find one that you are happy to leave your kids in for free, it can make it a lot more financially manageable, and so help you to be able to keep up with your exercise routine over the long term.


Sharing childcare

Next, when it comes to finding the time to work out as a busy mom, why not take a similar approach to when you want to go out for the evening? Yes, that’s right, sharing the childcare with others you trust can be a fantastic and low-cost way of freeing up the time to workout.

To do this, many people ask their significant others when they are home from work to take care f the kids, but there are other options too. For example, grandparents are often thrilled to be given extra time with the kids, especially for a short while as it means they get to fuss over them and have fun but can still hand them back before they tire them out.

Alternatively, some moms use a babysitting circle set up to free up some time in which to work out. The idea here is that with a group of three or more, one person takes all the children while the other two work out, and then they swap over during the week. Something that makes everyone will get an opportunity to exercise childfree and also ensures everyone pulls their weight with the childcare equally too.


Bring the workout to you

Another smart approach you can use as a busy mom to free up some time in which to workout is to skip going to the gym and bring the exercise to you instead. Happily, there are a whole range of activities that allow you to do this.



You may wish to try walking, running, or jogging with a stroller, something that can really get your heart rate up, as well as ensure you and your baby get lots of time out in the fresh air. Although to do this successfully, you will need the right kind of stroller, usually one with enhanced suspension because you will be traveling at speed.

Alternatively, why not choose to work out in your very own home? Something that you can do while Baby is napping or the kids are watching their favorite TV show. In fact, you can find personally tailored fitness apps for your smartphone easily now. Something that will make it even easier to access effective exercise routines in your very own home.

Lastly, don’t forget that there are plenty of workouts that you can access on video and DVD too, making them perfect for practicing in your own front room! Something that makes it way easier to find time to workout each day.

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Make even the shortest workout count.

Lastly, when it comes to being a busy mom looking for the time to fit in a workout regularly, it could be particularly beneficial to try HIIT or High-Intensity Interval Training. The reason for this is that instead of the usual small interval of working out hard with a long rest, HIIT tuned things on its head.



What that means if you can get a very effective workout in a much smaller space of time. Something that means you can fit in a good workout between other tasks, and that can be a real godsend to busy moms that already have full schedules, and little ones to look after.


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TWL Working Mom

Jennifer is the owner of TWL Working Moms. She is a full time teacher, a mom & step mom, and NBCT Facilitator. Jennifer lives in Washington State and is a born + raised New Yorker. In her spare time, she loves traveling, yoga, the beach, writing, listening to books and drinking coffee.

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  1. My wife would definitely love to this your post. This will help her workout more often.

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