Mom Blog Resources
It took me two years to learn everything I needed to know about the internet, blogging, collaborations, Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, tags, rich pins, affiliate marketing, hosting websites, advertising and more. As I find more information out because I am always learning, I will add it to this page for you to check out too.
Board Booster – this site helps you schedule pins to your site and they find ones related to your keywords for each board you enter in. Super easy to use, very inexpensive and it helps so much.
Pin Validator – Do the titles of your pins come up when you are pinning? Have you ever checked? If they don’t go, to this website and valdiate them to enrich your pins.
Showcase your Boards: Settings –> Profile –>Right under the website link, there will be an edit button for your Showcase. From there you can Showcase up to 5 boards!
10 Things You are Doing Wrong on Pinterest
Affiliate Marketing
Rakuten Marketing: Technology Used by Successful Businesses
Blog Help
Brand Advokates- This company saved me with answering so many questions, helping the speed of my site drastically, changing my menu, making it mobile friendly, adding plug ins for optimization, helping me set up google analytics, telling me the errors on my page, helping with the before and after looks of my template, and SO much more. I couldn’t have done this without them. Seriously!!!
Fiverr – I found my blog layout there and my logo design. Very well priced and so many choices.
Headline Analyzer – This helps you to write better headlines
CSS Minifer – Make your coding a smaller size, especially if you are doing banners on the side bar.
Page Speed – How fast/slow is your page? The higher the number the better – it is scored out of 100.
DA/PA Score – Determines your domain authority and page authority scores
Klout Score – If a company asks you for a Klout score, here is the site to find it. The higher the better.
Social Blue Book– Find out how much you should be charging for your blog posts and Instagram posts.
Social Blades – Tells you all of your analytics in one for Instagram, Twitter, Twitch and YouTube.
Code + Coconut Templates – Looking for some nice AND affordable templates, this is your place!!
Freelance Writing and Virtual Assistant Services – Fresh content for your website and answers for your website!
Canva– creates almost everything from banners to graphics all can be free depending on the layout you choose.
Unsplash – free un-stock images that you can use in your banners/graphics
Facebook Groups
Influential Mamas Network – A really amazing group of serious moms influencers on social media. This is a paid group.
Mom Bloggers Tribe: A free group of amazing moms who are supporting each other and great ways to share your posts.
Web Hosting
TMD Hosting – I used them for my website and it took the long process of transferring from free Wordpress to my own site – I would not have survived it without them.
Influencer Marketing
Do you have a mom blog resource that I should add to this page? Please email me and I will get it up there! Anything that helps my mom blogger friends to be the best they can be will be added.
[this post contains affiliate links. please visit my disclaimer page for more information. ]