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4 Tips for Actually Achieving Your New Year’s Resolutions

Another year has gone and what did you achieve? Did you accomplish all your New Year’s resolutions from last year? If you’re like 99% of people out there, then the answer to that question is a resounding “no”.

People struggle to stick to their New Year’s resolutions simply because they aren’t prepared for them, they’re unrealistic, they’re not committed to the idea or they are just not willing to put in the work or make the sacrifices required to achieve them.

These 4 tips will help you to have the best year possible 2021.

Another year has gone and what did you achieve? Let's make this year acheivable! Here's 4 tips to actually achieve your New Year's resolutions for 2021.


 1. Scrap Your New Year’s Resolutions

new year's resolution
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash


Seriously, they are like a bad omen that is destined to fail. What was once a positive idea is now something that is so deeply associated with failure it’s not worth attaching yourself to.

Instead, make a New Year’s plan. Unlike the flimsy New Years’ resolutions, a plan is a serious effort to map out your next year and create a list of things you need to do to reach your goals. Think about what you want to achieve, where you want to be by the end of 2021 and how can you get there.

This practice will build a plan for the New Year made up of mini-tasks that can help you achieve your overall vision. We spend all our time planning our work and planning our partner or kids week, that we forget to plan our own future.

2. Exercise More

relaxing by the beach and exercising
Photo by Filip Mroz on Unsplash


You don’t have to join a gym or a yoga class, you could just commit to 20 minutes of exercise a day. Getting your body moving, your heart pumping and head sweating are hugely beneficial for you. Exercise can reduce stress, anxieties and help build confidence. You will start to feel like you have more energy and your mind clearer.

We all know the countless benefits to regular exercise but we all fail to be consistent. Just committing to 20-30 minutes of exercise each day can significantly improve your life. Be consistent and all those mini-workouts will build into one healthy person.


 3. Eat Healthier

eat better for new years resolution
Photo by Anna Pelzer on Unsplash


Time is always an issue, especially as a Mom, and so the quality of our food is dwindling as we try to fit everything into one day. Fast foods are becoming a staple and our health is at risk. Thankfully, 2021 is set to be the year people will start to ditch the fast food and gravitate back to plant-based whole foods.

It’s never been easier with a huge number for vegan goods being brought to the market this year. We now have much healthier options available that are also healthier. Try to keep your diet to 75-80% plant-based whole foods and you will notice the huge difference to you and your family’s health.


4. Practice Mindfulness

practice mindfulness for the new year
Photo by JD Mason on Unsplash


Finally, after thousands of years of monks telling us meditation is good for us, science has finally caught up and is supporting the practice. Meditation is usually thought of as something hippies do and is just a load of nonsense. The reality is, meditation is a very useful practice that helps train your brain to slow down and think more clearly.

Another year has gone and what did you achieve? Let's make this year acheivable! Here's 4 tips to actually achieve your New Year's resolutions for 2020.

In a world that is so busy with so many distractions where we’re always on the move creating stress, meditation is becoming more popular. Take your time each day, even for just 5 minutes, to sit down and collect your thoughts. Try to identify your issues and feelings, think about why you have them and try to understand them better. Meditation is about self-improving, thinking clearly, reducing stress, education and peace.


Meditation is not about ‘not thinking’ as some people believe. It’s simply about practicing mindfulness so that we may make better decisions in our life. When was the last time you just stopped, breathed and thought?


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TWL Working Mom

Jennifer is the owner of TWL Working Moms. She is a full time teacher, a mom & step mom, and NBCT Facilitator. Jennifer lives in Washington State and is a born + raised New Yorker. In her spare time, she loves traveling, yoga, the beach, writing, listening to books and drinking coffee.

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