Running a business is tough the best of times, but what about running one when you’re pregnant? It is tough to meet any challenge when you are feeling stressed, and when you are pregnant, there’s not just the stress, but there are the physical symptoms as well. What can you do to make the process easier for you?
Be Flexible
You don’t know what type of pregnancy you are going to have until it happens. You could experience various types of nausea and exhaustion, or you could have a pregnancy that is absolutely plain sailing. It’s important that you remain flexible, especially during the first 12 weeks.
Also, don’t overexert yourself, and in the run-up to having that first handheld ultrasound scan, you’ve got to straddle the balance between taking it easy while also making sure that the business affairs are taken care of. Being flexible means creating a schedule that works around your pregnancy. You don’t know what is going to happen at any moment, which is why you should plan for every eventuality.
Decide If Your Business Can Do Without You After Giving Birth
It all depends on how you schedule your clients, but also realize that if the business can do without your input, at least for a couple of months after you give birth. If your company is in its infancy, you may want to keep pushing through giving birth and get back to work as soon as you are able to.
But it’s important to put something in place should there be complications with the pregnancy, if you end up in hospital for longer, and many other eventualities. The importance of delegation is something that we’ve got to come to terms with. Working around the baby during those first few months. The so-called “4th trimester” is where things can get really difficult. If you are experiencing late nights and early mornings, and you’ve got to run a business in-between, it can be too much.
Think About the Working Hours, and How They Can Change
You’ve got to accommodate your baby’s needs before anybody else’s. But you should start making the switch to working less before the baby arrives, so your employees and clients have the opportunity to adjust. Obviously, consulting with your doctor will help you know when you should start working less and resting more. However, if your business has professional chaplains as part of its employee care benefits, you could take advantage of them as well.
Just because you’re the boss, doesn’t mean you can’t still chat to the care team and ask for advice or guidance. Sometimes, talking to someone about this situation gives you the reinforcement you need that taking time off is the right thing to do. Don’t be a martyr for the cause; understand when you need to take a step back and rest while pregnant.
Do You Worry Having a Baby Will Impact Your Business?
Some people don’t like to tell clients that they are pregnant, but if certain clients and vendors cannot handle the fact you are pregnant, how are they going to be further down the line? Your child is going to be in school, and there are going to be times when you need to stay off work because your child is unwell.
If you’re working with people who can’t accept the fact you’re pregnant, you’ve got to ask yourself if they are the right people for you? It’s far better for you to announce that you are pregnant as soon as possible so everybody can get used to the idea that you now have an extra employee in your midst!
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