We tend to associated hearing loss with old age. However, there are many different reasons why people experience hearing loss, and it is not always age-related. Some people experience hearing loss because of loud noise exposure, others experience hearing loss because of trauma. There are then people who are born with hearing defects at birth.
In this blog post, we are going to focus on hearing loss amongst children specifically. We will take a look at some of the different signs and indications that your child may have hearing loss. If you notice any of the symptoms that we discuss, it is important to book an appointment with a pediatric audiologist as soon as possible. They will be able to carry out tests to determine whether your child has hearing loss. If they do, they will inform you of the extent of the hearing loss and the steps that need to be taken so that your child can live a normal life.
So, what are some of the signs that your child may be suffering from hearing loss?
Do you have a feeling that your child is having hearing problems, but you cannot put your finger on it?
You may keep questioning yourself, going back and forth. Well, a parent’s intuition is usually right, and you should definitely act on this. This does not necessarily mean that your child has hearing damage, it could be something else. However, it is always better to listen to those nagging feelings, even if they do turn out to be nothing in the end.
Have you noticed that your child seems to be looking at you intensely whenever you speak to them?
Needing to concentrate more to figure out what you are saying could be a sign of hearing loss. It could be that they are searching for visual cues so that they can interpret what you are saying.
Is your child speaking louder than previously?
A lot of children have a habit of shouting or speaking loudly, so you may have simply brushed this off as them being a child! However, it is not impossible that there is an underlying reason for this, especially if this symptom can be coupled with any of the other signs mentioned in this post.
Does your child often say that they didn’t hear you?
This may seem like an obvious symptom to point out, but it is an important one nevertheless. Of course, if your child seems to only never hear you when you ask them to tidy their bedroom, there is probably something else at play here! After all, we can all be prone to developing a bit of selective hearing from time-to-time. However, if your child really does not hear you, and you notice that this is happening quite regularly, it could be something to do with hearing difficulties.
Have your child’s grades started to fall?
It can be disappointing to see that your child’s grades have started to slip. There are a number of reasons why this can happen. It could simply be because your child is struggling with the syllabus. Often, though, there are underlying causes, and one of these can be hearing troubles. This is especially the case if your teacher has noticed that your child does not seem to respond much in class.
Does your child move one ear forward when listening?
If you have noticed that your child tends to do this, or has spoken about having a “good ear,” this could be because he or she is experiencing hearing loss from one ear only. Again, it is best to get this checked up on.
Do they seem to want the TV louder than everyone else in the family?
Last but not least, looking at volume levels on the television and other devices can be a good indicator as to whether someone is having trouble listening to something as effectively as they would usually be able to.
As you can see, there are a number of signs and indications that someone could have hearing loss. If you have noticed any of the different symptoms that we have mentioned above, you should book an appointment with an audiologist as soon as possible so you can get to the bottom of the problem. Do not assume the worst. It could simply be that there is a bit of impacted earwax that needs to be professionally removed. Either way, your audiologist will be able to tell you what the issue is and recommend the best next steps.
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