Running a business while carrying out the duties of being a mom isn’t easy, but it can be done. In fact, there are many successful entrepreneurs out there who started a business after having children. Below are a few mistakes to avoid when starting a business as a mom.
1. Working while juggling childcare
Unless your kids are old enough to largely occupy themselves, you should be hesitant about working while looking after your kids. You’re unlikely to be able to give both your kids and your work the attention they need. Unless you’re doing easy routine business tasks, try to arrange some form of childcare while you work – even if it’s simply getting your partner or a family member to supervise them for a few hours.
2. Not allowing yourself free time
In the early days of starting a business, you may have no choice but to sacrifice your free time. However, once your business picks up, it’s important that you make time for yourself, otherwise you’ll burn out. You still deserve to have relaxation time and time to work on hobbies or see friends.
3. Sacrificing sleep
Some moms try to get work done in the evening or early in the morning while the kids are asleep. This can often mean sacrificing your own sleep. Depriving yourself of sleep is not going to do your health any favors, and you could also find that you’re less productive when working and less patient with your kids. Make sure you’re still getting a minimum of six hours sleep per night (unless you can catch up on sleep with naps).
4. Neglecting the admin
On top of your core business tasks, it’s important that you’re carrying out all the necessary legal admin such as applying for licenses, filing tax and adhering to health and safety regulations. Don’t be afraid to invest in legal and financial advice when starting a business.
5. Doing it all yourself
Running a business completely solo is a challenge for anybody – let alone a mom. Consider outsourcing tasks that are outside your area of expertise. This could include outsourcing a managed service provider MSP. What is a managed service provider MSP, you may be asking? This is someone who can take care of all your IT including cybersecurity and fixing tech issues, potentially saving you a lot of time. Tasks like accounting and marketing can also be worth outsourcing.
6. Expecting family members to get involved
Unless you’ve specifically set it up as a family business, you should be careful of treating your family like employees. Your partner and kids may become resentful if you’re expecting them to help with work duties (especially if you’re not paying them for this help). If you started the business yourself, remember that it is your responsibility – only involve your family if they want to get involved.
7. Underestimating your worth
When initially starting your business, you may want to offer your products and services for a cheap price to attract customers. However, once your business becomes more serious, it’s important that you raise your price in order to reflect this. A lot of mompreneurs don’t take their business seriously enough, which results in customers not taking them seriously. Make sure that you know your own worth by setting your price at the same level as other similar businesses.
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