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Creative Therapy: How You Can Benefit

Did you know that when seeking therapy that it can be in different forms? Many times we think therapy and immediately we think about going to talk to someone and share our problems. Have you heard of creative therapy? If you haven’t, it is something that has taken a form over the years from traditional therapy. Creative therapy refers to a group of techniques that are expressive and creative in nature. Read on to find out more about creative therapy and how it can benefit you.


Where can I find a program?

Luckily, we live in a day and age where almost anything is readily available in many locations all over the world. Everything we mentioned above are programs that are being put into place at Providence Health & Services. Providence Health & Services in Washington has an amazing program which helps people heal through visually expressive forms of creative therapy. Not sure what you want? Try out some local classes at the library for drawing or journaling. If that is not enough, there are lots of programs around, now you know the name of what to Google search.

According to Providence, patients who engage in creative arts enjoy reduced stress, need less pain medication, have shorter hospital stays and heal faster. Providence makes this program available as an outlet for communication and expression while focusing on whole person well-being—physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Click to read more about Providence St. Joseph Health System and Well Being Trust  the foundation dedicated to advancing mental, social and spiritual well-being.


What’s involved?

To begin, Creative Therapy has taken the traditional world of therapy and turned it into a way that can address the whole person. Creative Therapy adds to the ideas of art therapy and music therapy. This type of therapy helps children and adults express themselves through self-expression and personal growth. They use textiles to explain themselves instead of having to sit there and talk about their emotions. Some ideas that can be used through Creative Therapy are visual arts, music, dance and movement, poetry and journaling and drama. Not only can it bring joy and hope to patients, family and staff, but it helps arts and healing through life’s transitions. It incorporates healing through creative arts.


Who is this for?

Creative Therapy is for every single person. Not only is this program successful for children of trauma or terminally ill but also for adults that are brought into rehabilitation and inpatient services. Many times it is used in hospitals around the country but it can really be used for anyone. Also, there are times in a person’s life that life can get the best of them and they might need some help. Being happy doesn’t come as easy anymore. The stress of your job can overtake outside the office life. Being a parent is extremely stressful and you just need a break. Creative Therapy is for you too.

Creative therapy is expressive action that engages emotions in a direct and physical way; an ability to generate creative energy as a healing force for mind, body, and spirit; and a belief that the creative imagination can find its way through out most perplexing and complex problems and conflicts” (McNiff, 2005).


How can this be beneficial?

Next, if you have ever had to use a calming technique, many times it is related to music or breathing. This program takes how you calm down and regulate yourself to another level. By using arts in the healing process, it helps promote healing and lower stress and anxiety. Because you are using the whole body in a healing process, it helps build positive coping skills, reduce the need for pain medication and it increase the overall feeling of well-being. Many times when we are in a healing process, there is the need for acceptance and approval. When using arts to heal, there is no right or wrong so anything that is created during the healing process is a masterpiece for the creator.

Along with using creation to heal, it helps increase insight on situations in life, self-awareness and self-discovery. Finding things that you never knew you were good at and wouldn’t go out of the comfort zone to find. Many times now in rehab centers and inpatient programs, they have included yoga and art classes into their daily program. Both are used to help individuals use these skills as coping skills for the healing process. It provides individuals something they can carry over to their next location along with talking to a counselor. Sometimes when that is the only option, many people tend not to do it. If having a creative outlet in the healing process, it provides many more options for individuals to take.


Final thoughts

Don’t deny yourself the help that you are really seeking because sitting and talking to someone is not for you. Look into Creative Therapy around you and see what interests you the most. Step out of the comfort zone to help you heal through creativity. If your other plans haven’t been working then it is time for something else to help your mental health.




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TWL Working Mom

Jennifer is the owner of TWL Working Moms. She is a full time teacher, a mom & step mom, and NBCT Facilitator. Jennifer lives in Washington State and is a born + raised New Yorker. In her spare time, she loves traveling, yoga, the beach, writing, listening to books and drinking coffee.

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