Fashion + Beauty

6 Hacks to Have Healthier and More Attractive Hair

Your hair is one of the most unique things about you. Most people will notice your hair as a part of your first impression. If you aren’t making the most of the hair that is on your head, you are missing out. Learning about the health hacks for healthier and more attractive hair that will be a step in the right direction to leading a life of hair goodness.


Use coconut oil

Coconut oil is a great way to keep your hair silky smooth. This is one of the most natural ways to do this do your hair as well. Conditioners can many times have chemicals in them that will actually damage your hair over time. However, coconut oil is going to give you the ability to make your hair shiny and soft without any harmful chemicals. Leaving coconut oil in your hair overnight is a great way to get the best results. Make sure that you protect your pillow from any potential staining.


Don’t wash your hair too often

When you wash your hair too often, it can be difficult for you to maintain the health of your hair. Washing your hair every other day is a great way to make sure that you are utilizing the natural oils of your hair. If you feel like your hair is looking too greasy, you can always use dry shampoo to maintain your volume and natural look. When you wash your hair every day, you are risking your hair being too dry due to the lack of oils.

Trim your hair regularly

Trimming your hair regularly is a great way to combat against split ends. When you don’t have split ends, you will be able to have a much healthier looking head of hair. There are many hair stylists that will only charge you a portion of the cost of a full haircut just to trim your ends. When you trim your hair, it will also help it to grow faster. If you are brave enough, you can learn to trim the ends of your hair right from the comfort of your own home. You may also have a friend who will be willing to trim your hair on a regular basis.


Be careful when your hair is still wet

It is very easy to damage your hair when it is wet. You need to make sure that you are not brushing your hair right after you get out of the shower. Your hair can get caught in your brush and actually cause the roots to be damaged. You need to wait until your hair is dry before you start brushing it. If you are in a rush, try using a hairdryer. This will greatly speed up the drying process and will allow you to brush your hair before you head out the door.

Photo by Element5 Digital from Pexels

Get rid of dandruff if it is an issue

When you have dandruff, it can be hard to notice any other part of your hair. There are many different ways that you can get rid of dandruff. While you are still in the process of getting rid of your dandruff, try to avoid wearing dark colors that will easily show off your dandruff. There are actually many home remedies for dry, itchy scalp that will help you to feel the relief faster than you may have originally expected. Remember, you may have to be patient when you are trying to get rid of this embarrassing issue. The more you work on fixing your dry scalp, the better chance you will have of finally being able to rid yourself from nasty dandruff.


Try some new colors

You might be amazed by how a new color could look in your hair if you have never tried it before. While coloring your hair can be a lot of fun, you need to make sure that you are doing it the right way. If you are trying to color your hair at home, make sure that you are following all of the instructions. There are also tutorials online that will help you successfully create your hair color. However, the best way to get your hair colored is to go to a professional. While this will cost more money, you will have much better results that will not damage your hair. Working with a professional will also give you a vibrant color that looks very natural. Professional hairstylists will also be able to help you decide which color will work best with your skin and eye color.

Photo by Tim Mossholder from Pexels


Learning the hacks to make your hair healthier and more attractive is essential when you want to rock the hottest hairstyles and feel more confident about yourself. It is easy to change up your hair care routine when you have the right information. Don’t wait until you are at a breaking point with your unmanageable hair. Instead, simply learn the tricks that will help you have the hairstyle of your dreams today.


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Mia Morales

Mia Morales is a loving wife and mother of twins from Colorado. She is a self-described “DIY addict”, and loves to decorate her house and office with her creations. As a mother, Mia is really passionate about health, nutrition, and what she puts in her body. When she’s not writing, you can find her with a glass of mint lemon water and a child on each hip. Who says moms aren’t superheroes?

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