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How Anxiety Can Affect Your Life Success

Some people find success in life very easily; they don’t have any anxiety issues and get along well with people; the story is different for people with anxiety. This fear can lead to shyness and disinterest, which affects someone’s overall quality of life. But there are solutions to anxiety. 

Some people find success in life very easily; they don’t have any anxiety issues and get along well with people; the story is different for people with anxiety. This fear can lead to shyness and disinterest, which affects someone's overall quality of life. But there are solutions to anxiety. 

Social Fear 

If there is one thing that is likely to hold you back in life, it’s a social fear. Whether we like it or not, we are social creatures that need to collaborate in order to be successful. Social anxiety puts you on the back foot when it comes to social relationships and keeps you from success. Visit the Christian Mental Health treatment center for any advice.


In the workplace, a manager is more likely to recommend someone with a good reputation instead of someone that is too quiet, even if their work is the same. But a social person is also more likely to achieve long-term success even if their work is inferior to the anxious person.   

Self Confidence 

Anxiety is a form of fear. There are all kinds of anxiety, such as social anxiety, general anxiety, eco-anxiety, and panic disorders. Anxiety is thought to originate in the amygdala, a region of the brain associated with fight and flight responses. It is thought to be an evolutionary trait for us. 


Although anxiety has had its uses in the past, it is counterproductive in the modern world. Having severe anxiety makes some people fearful and awkward, making it harder to build confidence. Of course, self-confidence is correlated with success in the modern world.

Motivation Issues

Someone with anxiety starts to navigate the world through the lens of fear and unease. Anxious people will be the quiet ones in the office who stand at the back and don’t say anything; they are too fearful, perhaps, simply waiting for the end of the day, and exit from the office and people.


Not only does this attitude affect work and the productivity of the company, but it also affects the person’s relationship with their co-workers. However, it’s important not to blame the person for their behavior since it is simply a reaction to anxiety. One solution is Abilify for anxiety

Missed Opportunities 

Many people with anxiety will miss life opportunities and end up on the lower end of the pay scale as a result. While people without anxiety might prioritize financial gain, someone with anxiety is more likely to prioritize their feelings, so they will avoid any stressful situations. 


If a promotion seems too stressful, an anxious person might avoid it even though they are fully qualified for the position. There might also be missed opportunities in life because of avoidance, such as missing out on holidays, friendships, or joining interest groups to pursue a passion

Relationship Issues  

Anxiety can range from mild to severe, but any form of the condition can affect the quality of a relationship. Anxiety or extreme fear can cause someone to act and behave in strange ways that can be challenging to handle. These issues will probably persist until a resolution is found. 


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TWL Working Mom

Jennifer is the owner of TWL Working Moms. She is a full time teacher, a mom & step mom, and NBCT Facilitator. Jennifer lives in Washington State and is a born + raised New Yorker. In her spare time, she loves traveling, yoga, the beach, writing, listening to books and drinking coffee.

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