October 2-8th is International Babywearing Week. What is that you wonder? This week is dedicated to getting moms to learn the benefit of babywearing. Apparently there are tons of benefits to babywearing.
Here are just a few of the benefits:
- Healthy baby
- Happy babies
- Confident parents
- Loving Caregivers
- Comfort + Convenience
Once you start to think about it, these benefits to babywearing start to make sense. The closer you are with your child in a baby wrap, which is closest to your heart and breathing, it holds a special type of bond. When I had my daughter, I did not know how to use a wrap and only one of my friends had had a baby before so no one was really there to recommend it for me. Not until recently did I realize how amazing these wraps really were! I am seriously obsessed. Have you seen the beautiful prints that Milk Snob sells? Click here to see them.
As a newer mommy, I know that after having my 1st daughter, I have learned so much about the types of things that I would want when I have my second child. Having a Baby Wrap is the number one product I will use. It would have made my life so much easier being a new mom and needing to do things around the house. Instead of holding her in one arm and not being able to do too many things with one arm, this would have changed so many things! Even just pouring water in a cup would have been easier.
Another question you might have about babywearing, is how do you wear one? Well, I followed the directions that Milk Snob sent with their wrap and it was pretty easy to follow.
Each picture below are the steps that you take to put it on:
The important thing to remember when putting on the wrap is to make sure that it is tight and it supports their back. I had to use an American Girl Doll since my daughter is too big for the wrap to test it out but seriously, it was super easy to use and I am kind of obsessed! Maybe it’s time to have another baby!
If you want to see more, check out the video tutorials from Milk Snob of how to do this as well! Milk Snob also has so many different types of products, click here to look.
[This is a sponsored post in exchange for an honest review. Please visit my disclaimer page for more information.]