There has been a stigma attached to therapy for a long time, which needs to be reframed by the public. Having a so-called perfect life is unattainable and there is no shame to say you need help at times. It’s true that the most successful people in the world use and embrace therapy as a way of talking through their emotions and validating their feelings.
Your mental health has never been more important, especially after the two years we have been through with the pandemic. You should view psychotherapy as a way of cultivating success and creating the best possible life for yourself.
Ignoring your feelings and pushing them aside is one of the least productive things you can do. Pushing your emotions to one side can lead to longer term issues, especially if you have experienced pain in the past. If you’re on the fence about trying therapy, consider the following ten reasons why you should try it.
1. To Talk About Previous Traumas
When you’re subjected to trauma at any point in your life, it’s so important to talk about it with a professional. Over time your mental health can deteriorate if you don’t address your emotions and work through coping strategies for the near and far future. If you have experienced any sort of trauma in your life, For All Seasons provides outpatient mental health, psychiatric and education to the local community. Even if you’re unable to pay for private therapy, their team will offer support to anyone who needs it. Opening up your heart and allowing therapy to help you will allow you to move on and live a happier and fulfilled life.
2. To Create a More Fulfilled Future
Getting talk therapy with somewhere like Psychology Blossom is actually one of the most long-lasting forms of therapy you can do, as you will be developing the tools you need to deal with anything that pops up in the future. Therapy isn’t about a quick and easy fix. It’s about providing you with coping mechanisms to help you through anything you may face. Over time your work will pay off, and there is a lower risk of relapse.
3. Your Perspective To Others Will Alter
As soon as you start becoming aware of your own feelings, you will also start to understand the people around you in a much clearer way. When your mind is holding onto negative thoughts it can cloud your views of the people around you, so you start to see the world through a lens that is far from real. Working through therapy helps you to make better judgements and trust people more too.
4. Anger and Aggression Will Reduce
Pain can come to the surface in a number of different ways, but aggression is certainly a common one. If you tend to lose your cool easily or revert to passive aggressiveness when you’re in an uncomfortable situation, therapy can help you work through this. There is nothing wrong with directness, but you should be able to control when you feel angry, rather than it taking over your mind and body without warning.
5. Your Emotions Become Rationalized
When you’re alone your thoughts can spiral into outlandish ideas that won’t ever come into fruition in real life. Talking through your problems with a professional can rationalize your thoughts and give them a shape. The problem will never truly go away, but you will understand how to think about it clearly and logically. Ultimately, therapy will reduce spiralling, irrational thoughts.
6. You Can Reduce Your Medications
Antidepressants and other medications are extremely effective and very common, but they don’t always get to the root of the problem. Masking the issue won’t allow you to move forward, so it’s important that you don’t rely on these to live a fulfilled life. Talk therapy is one of the only ways to get to the root of the problem and discover ways to work through your feelings.
7. Your Brain Becomes Re-Wired
When you opt for therapy, it can actually change the way your brain is wired to react to certain situations. Through different cognitive methods there are ways to alter the activity in your brain so that the same thoughts have become less destructive to your mental wellbeing. In the best case scenario, talk therapy can lead to less worry, stress and anxiety about your previous traumas or emotions.
8. You’ll Feel Less Alone
When you have someone to talk to about your feelings it can help you to feel less alone. Taking action and seeking out therapy is the ideal way to gain comfort and clarity. With structure and support from a professional you’ll feel less alone. Whether you join a support group or speak to one person you trust, it’s inevitably going to take away the feelings of loneliness and isolation.
9. To Treat Physical Pain
When you experience psychological trauma it can also trigger very real physical symptoms in your body. Sometimes these reactions can be severe, debilitating and they can even affect your ability to function at work or home. A course of therapy will slowly but surely allow these physical effects to reduce or even disappear completely. Bottling up your emotions can create physical pain which can soon be relieved by talking to someone you trust.
10. Your Kids Will Thank You
Your habits and beliefs are innately passed down to your children, so your work will ultimately help them to work through their issues in the same way. If you are brave enough to try therapy, it’s likely that your children or the next generation will also adopt a similar way of thinking. You want your children to be able to talk openly about their feelings and address their emotions. When they see you doing this very thing, it’s likely they’ll follow a similar path.
When you choose to say “yes” to therapy the opportunities in your life become easier to reach and your future will be brighter. There is no shame in talking openly about your feelings, so now is the time to start exploring your options. Speaking to a licensed therapist is freeing, supportive and extremely effective if you’re looking to take care of your mental health for the long haul.
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