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5 Surprising Ways Life Was Better In The Past

Our modern lives are much more comfortable today than they were in the past. But are they better? If you ask most people, the answer is “no.” Despite all the wealth and convenience, life for previous generations seemed to be better.


But why? Let’s take a look.


Meeting People Organically Was Easier


If you want to meet people today, you usually need an app. But in the past, it was just a regular part of life and something that people considered normal. You were part of a community, and that was your life. There were no two ways about it.


In modern times, though, we are estranged from each other. Meeting up is something that we purposefully do. It’s not something that just happens as a necessary consequence of the course of our lives. In fact, if you wanted to meet anyone, you had to do it physically. There was no other way.

Our modern lives are much more comfortable today than they were in the past. But are they better? If you ask most people, the answer is “no.” Despite all the wealth and convenience, life for previous generations seemed to be better.But why? Let’s take a look.

Finding Your Partner Was Also Easier


On a similar theme, finding your partner was significantly easier in the past. Most people paired up in their early twenties and then spent a lifetime together.


Today, though, things are significantly more challenging. People keep dating until they are forty. And even then they don’t always find the person they want.


Dating apps should make the process easier. But because they give people limitless choices, it’s hard to let go of the feeling that there might be someone better out there. That simply wasn’t the case in the past.


People Were Healthier Mentally And Physically


Trying to find a group of people who are healthy mentally and physically in the modern world is challenging to say the least. But in the past, it was the norm. Before the rise of technology, the majority of people went about their daily lives in a happy state, with depression and anxiety being relatively rare afflictions.


Seventy years ago, technologies did not exist that could put people’s personal lives on display 24 hours a day. Most people led quiet, peaceful, and routine-driven lives. And they were content.


Finding Real Quality Was Easier


Thanks to the rise of globalization over the last seventy years, finding quality products has become more challenging. In many industries, it’s become a race to the bottom, with everyone trying to undercut everyone else to win market share.


But in the past, those forces weren’t as strong. Companies invested time, effort, and love in the products they created.


You can see this in the jewelry that people made. While they might not have the same technology we have today, the love and care that went into cutting an old mine cut diamond was extraordinary.


You can also see it in the clothing. They made items to last. There was no such thing as throw-away fashion.


People Slept Better

Thanks to technology and other pressures, the quality of the average person’s sleep is not as high today as it was in the past. That’s because we’re not producing enough melatonin in the evenings, the sleep hormone. Many doctors now advise that their patients turn off all electronic devices 30 minutes before hitting the sack.



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TWL Working Mom

Jennifer is the Owner of TWL and Co-Owner of a Influencer Facebook Group Influential Mamas.  Along with blogging + freelance writing and selling Zyia Activewear, she is a mom, army wife and full-time teacher. Jennifer lives in Washington State and is a born + raised New Yorker. In her spare time, she loves traveling, yoga, the beach, writing, listening to books and drinking coffee.

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