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How To Use Fitness to Battle Being a Couch Potato

Are you a self confessed couch potato? Don’t worry, you’re really not alone. Now that we’re heading towards the summer season in most countries, you would think that people would have the urge to get off their bums. People might actually do what they’ve always wanted to with their body. But, do you think that’s what actually happens?

People get to this point of the year, and automatically think that they’ve left it too late, and should try again next year. We come up with the best excuses, when really, we just can’t be bothered to do it. If you’re someone who tells yourself you’re too late every year, let us tell you this. There’s never a right or wrong time to start your fitness journey. All you need to do is have a goal in mind, and follow some of the simple fitness tips that we have below for you.




Relax Into It

The thing with fitness is, there’s so much pressure to be eating a salad and a bowl of fruit everyday, and the be hitting the gym a few times a week. This pressure is something you shouldn’t even worry yourself with. If you’re going to do this for yourself, it’s up to you how you do it. We will warn you, that you do need to get off the sofa more than twice a week if you want to make a difference.

However, if you were to go to the gym three times a week for example, just doing half an hour is fine. You don’t need to push yourself to spend an hour or more a week there. Just need to push yourself to do your best whilst you’re there. Let yourself build up a natural tolerance to the exercise you’re doing. You’ll find it so much harder to stick with it.


Morning Workouts

You’re probably a couch potato because you get up at 7am for work, sit at a desk all day. It overloads your brain and you want to dive onto the sofa as soon as you get home. Once your bum touches that sofa, it’s hard to get back up again for anything that isn’t food. So, try a morning workout instead. Get up an hour earlier than usual (you’ll get used to it!), and do your workout before the day.

Home Rower is just one piece of equipment you could get for your home if you don’t fancy the journey to the gym. An indoor gym bike would also be a good idea. Despite losing an hour of sleep, the fact that you’re so up and active gives you energy that you need for the day. Even if you do go to the gym, you’ll feel so amazing!


Let Your Diet Energize You

If you’re finding it hard to have the energy, then you need to see if your diet is the problem. For a lot of people, it really is. If you’re filling up on carbs, fats, and sugars, you’re not going to make it through the day. If you’re filling up on health carbs, healthy fats like fish or nuts, and less sugar, you’ll find your energy levels spiking. Here is just one detailed article about the influence of the foods you eat, and how you feel!

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TWL Working Mom

Jennifer is the owner of TWL Working Moms. She is a full time teacher, a mom & step mom, and NBCT Facilitator. Jennifer lives in Washington State and is a born + raised New Yorker. In her spare time, she loves traveling, yoga, the beach, writing, listening to books and drinking coffee.

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