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Being a blogger is really tough nowadays. Looking at other blogs sometimes can make you feel hopeless and lost! The important parts to growing a blog is patience and time. However, not everyone has the amount of time that it could really take to actually get your blog up and growing! I could probably sit on social media 24/7 and still find more things that I needed to do!
However, there are some tips that can get your blog audience jump started, things that you may not have even considered before. I know that not until recently was I able to get actual traffic coming to my blog. I was only seeing 20-30 page views a day at the most. Not knowing what to do, I started doing some research and by beginning with the following tips, I was able to see a drastic increase, within a couple of weeks.
-Join blogging communities.
By joining communities of other bloggers, you are gaining followers, finding new blogs to read, making friends, and engaging in your content. Whether it be on Facebook, Instagram or Telegram, find the best ones that you are able to keep up with.
-Pin your posts to group Pinterest boards.
Using group Pinterest boards is a great way to increase the traffic to your website. When you repin to groups who have a lot of traffic, your post will have the chance to be seen by more visitors.
-Ask for help.
Blogging is a difficult task in itself, let alone trying to keep up with all of the different apps or websites that you constantly need to be following every day! Behrman Communications is a company that you can ask for help. They specialize in brand elevation, strategic planning, social media marketing and public relations. All very important pieces to growing your audience as a blogger.
-Use Key Words and Phrases.
Checking Google Trends before writing your post is a great place to start to make sure that when you are using key words, they are appearing in searches that week. This can gain significant traffic when you are writing around a trend happening that day. Inputting phrases into your posts helps search engines to optimize your work and makes it more searchable.
-Link backs.
One of the best ways to get link backs to your blog is to have guest posters write on your blog.
-Write quality posts.
Without quality posts, you have nothing. People will not stay long on your blog and they will most likely not read the whole article, causing your traffic to drop and less of a chance that they will click on any affiliate links. Make sure to find topics that you enjoy writing about and that meet your niche of your blog and then put effort into the post. Keep in mind, quality posts are at least 300 words in order to rank well in search engines. The longer the post, the better the rank. However, just be careful that you are not writing too long and your writing skills stagger off.
-Start Branding.
Not only are you writing just because you love to write but you are working towards creating a brand and making it yours. Nancy Behrman has a great company that will take your brand to a whole new level. They take brands and give them leverage in the marketplace and create a campaign based on your vision for your brand.
-Create an email list.
Along with branding, Nancy Behrman’s company create email marketing campaigns as well. This is a great feature because creating quality email templates and lists are very time consuming and require a lot of knowledge of coding and implementation into a website. An email list will help you get those followers that you have to continue visiting your site and driving significant amounts of traffic.
Following through with this list will help you get the increase in traffic that you are looking for. Make sure if you are struggling, to follow the ask for help tip. Even the best bloggers need help from the professionals.
Happy blogging!
[this is a sponsored post. all opinions are 100% my own. please visit my disclaimer page for more information.]
thanks! i will have to check out your blog as well!
Super advice for gaining traffic for bloggers!
Thank you!