The teenage years are the transitional stage between childhood and adulthood. While to you it might only feel like the blink of an eye since they were a baby, in reality they’re getting ready to take their next steps by going out into the world on their own. To set them up for success, it’s important that they have the right skills to look after themselves.
Teach independence
A few skills that would be helpful for teens include managing money, meal planning, driving, and being able to shop for (and cook) healthy meals. They should know how to keep their environment clean, and know how to use different cleaning chemicals and basic appliances like washing machines and cookers. As simple as it might sound to some, many teens fly the nest without these vital skills. Spend some time making sure they have the skills and knowledge they’ll need to be able to look after themselves when you’re not with them every day.
Understand the importance of mental health
The stigma surrounding mental illness/ mental health has really lifted in recent years. We now understand the importance of being in touch with the way we feel, and how mental health affects our physical health. It’s no longer a hush-hush topic and and are treated by professionals as the medical issues that they are. One of the best things you can do for your teen is to help them to understand their own mind, label their emotions, recognize what’s normal and to know when to ask for help.
The teenage years can be a time where mental health issues can rear their head, and without the right support these are likely to follow them through to adulthood. Since poor mental health can affect all aspects of a person’s health, from self esteem to behavior to physical health its not something to overlook. If you’re already seeing issues with your teen’s mental health it’s important to seek advice from your GP, there’s also help for severe behavioral issues that can occur as a result.
The Eva Carlston Academy is one example of a therapeutic setting for young girls, and uses a range of different techniques from art to music to promote better behavior and thought processes. In many cases, if you catch mental health issues early then there’s plenty that can be done before severe issues occur.
Put an emphasis on health and fitness
Being able to take care of your physical body is important, and it’s not something that teens will know how to do without being taught. Things you can teach them outside of the classroom include cooking, what nutrition different ingredients provide, how to plan meals and introduce them to fun exercises. Working out doesn’t always have to be going to the gym, it could be anything from ice skating to roller blading, going to trampoline parks, hiking and swimming. Instilling a love of all kinds of activities will help them to stay active and care for their bodies into adulthood.
How are you making sure your teen is set up for success in adulthood?
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