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How to Pick the Best Health Insurance Plan

A report by the CPS ASEC stated that 26.1 million Americans had no form of health insurance at any time in 2019. This statistic could be due to the fact that many don’t know which health insurance packages are at their disposal. Knowing the right plan which offers the most coverage and suits your budget forms the basis of your health insurance plan search. Whether you’re married, single, or have kids, you need some level of coverage in the event of a severe ailment or accident. Fortunately, this article will focus on how to choose the best health insurance plan.

Whether you’re married, single, or have kids, you need a health insurance plan best fit for your needs. Here's how to choose.

Know the types available

The American health insurance sector is flooded with some confusing terms, which may be a put-off for some people. Furthermore, you need to weed through the different types, their implications, coverage, cost, and other significant factors. First of all, there are EPOs, HMOs, POS plans, PPOs, and HDHPs. What are they?

  • HMOs – High Maintenance Organization Plans
  • EPOs – Exclusive Provider Organization plans
  • POS – Point of Service Plans


Others are the Preferred Provider Organization Plans (PPOs) and High Deductible Health Plans (HDHPs). All these health insurance plans have their merits and demerits, and it’s up to you to research what each offers. The guiding rule is to choose a plan that provides enough coverage for you (and your family) without delivering a blow to your budget.



Read wide on health insurance review plans

This is easier to do thanks to the information age; the advent of technology makes it possible to access information with a few clicks and taps. The internet literally places information at your fingertips. Websites such as ACAsignups.net provide reviews on different healthcare plans, data, and past and present policy analyses on each health plan available in America.


On the other hand, if you’re looking for specifics on added coverage, the Anthem Medicare Supplement review is a great place to start. Medicare Supplement plans generally refer to health insurance plans that offset some of the costs that Original Medicare fails to cover. Anthem and Blue Shield are health insurance providers that offer some of these Medicare Supplement Plans.

find the best insurance policy


Balance cost with coverage

Some health insurance plans are notoriously known for their high monthly premiums. Despite that, they tend to offer deductibles and co-payments. On the flip side, other packages have appealing lower premiums. Those will have you pay more when used either at the hospital or the doctor’s office.

How much are you willing or able to pay for your health insurance? It helps to make your decision based on two significant elements; affordability and predictability. Knowing the pros and cons of lower and higher premiums should be your guiding rule.



Indeed, there’s been so much rhetoric about the disintegration of the Affordable Care Act. That, however, hasn’t stopped the health insurance marketplace from offering subsidies to attract more people. Therefore, evaluate your needs (including that of your family) and make a decision that works for all.


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TWL Working Mom

Jennifer is the owner of TWL Working Moms. She is a full time teacher, a mom & step mom, and NBCT Facilitator. Jennifer lives in Washington State and is a born + raised New Yorker. In her spare time, she loves traveling, yoga, the beach, writing, listening to books and drinking coffee.

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