EducationInfant + ToddlerParenting Tips

6 Benefits of Nature Play Spaces in Childcare

When we talk about childhood, we remember the fond memories of tears, cuts, falls and a never giving up attitude which used to makes us stand up and running. During our times it was nature, who was our best companion. Parks, playgrounds, mud, and dust were all we knew. We were often scolded for playing in the dust and mud for so long.


Time has changed; it was too fast this time! In only two decades, these playgrounds and parks are being replaced by huge shopping malls and gaming zones. Audio and visual games are all that kids of today know about. Everything that runs with the help of technology is what they are well aware of. In this process, aren’t we building a wall between a healthy childhood and a technological puppet? There are several benefits that a nature play space in childcare provides with.

Advantages of Nature Play Spaces in Childcare

We all know the fact that children just love to play in dust, dirt, splash, etc. Here the question arises, why shall a nature play space in childcare is important.

Well, this is true, but the more appropriate thing is the mental health of a child. Most people nowadays do not get this simple thing and all they want is a concrete jungle where they will provide their children with video games. The following are some of the benefits of nature-based playgrounds:

Nature provides them with so much more, such as batting, balancing, swinging, jumping, hopping, sliding, pulling, climbing, pushing, throwing, kicking and what not. This all activities are subdivided into more There are certain things which are fixed, like, swing and slide.

  • Sensitive and a Mess While Playing – Playing in the water, mud or sand will enhance the development of the brain in children. All this can affect the sensory nervous system of a child and helps in the development of it.  A nature play space helps in enhancement of five main senses which goes under processing during childhood. The different sensory experiences involve pebbles, different lengths of grass, seedpods, a pile of leaf, flowering plant which are safe.
  • Innovative Playing – It means that nature helps to create some good ideas in the mind of any child which they can execute elsewhere knowingly or unknowingly.
  • Imaginative Characters associated with Nature – Nature with all its different elements help to play as imaginative characters during a play in the nature play spaces in childcare. Nature provides various flowers and fresh surroundings which are safe for the children and they can create their own world in them.
  • Nature Being the Safe Place – Nature is always a safe place for the children to play. Such healthy and refreshing surrounding helps the children to become friendlier and be happy in life.
  • Helps to Provide a Good Night Sleep – When children play in refreshed surrounding i.e. in nature, they feel happy and joyous. This helps them become stress-free and relaxed which results in providing them good sleep. Their concentration power improves.

Therefore, it can be concluded that playing in the heart of nature is always beneficial for kids’ physical and mental growth. You should always make your kids go out to play as much as possible. This way they will get a better immune system as well.



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Justin J

Justin is a journalist, stylist and blogger. He is an aesthetician by heart who often writes about Home, Art, Fashion, decorating and DIY ideas. He loves sparking creativity and giving them ideas for their own spaces.

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