Home Improvement

Spider Control: Tips for Keeping Your Home Spider-Free

Spiders in the home can be terrifying, especially for those who are not accustomed to seeing them around. But these eight-legged creatures don’t have to be the cause of sleepless nights—or even more serious health problems—if you take the proper precautions. Here’s how to keep your home spider-free:

Spiders in the home can be terrifying, especially for those who are not accustomed to seeing them around. But these eight-legged creatures don't have to be the cause of sleepless nights—or even more serious health problems—if you take the proper precautions. Here's how to keep your home spider-free:

Keeping spiders out of your home is easier than you might think.

Keeping spiders out of your home is easier than you might think. As with any pest or insect, it’s important to know what type of spider you’re dealing with before taking action. Here are some tips:

  • If there are lots of webs and spiders around, it means they have an established nest somewhere in the house or yard. You’ll need an exterminator to find and eliminate these nests before they get any bigger!
  • Spiders aren’t dangerous to humans (unless you’re allergic), but they can be harmful for pets if ingested by accident–so make sure all pets are kept away from areas where there may be spider webs until after the extermination has been completed successfully.* If there aren’t any webs around but one suddenly appears overnight, chances are someone left their window open during daylight hours when windows should always remain closed because otherwise mosquitoes will come inside too easily!

Keep your house clean.

  • Keep your house clean. Spiders love to live in messy places, so keeping your home tidy will help keep them out.
  • Don’t leave food lying around. If you have kids or pets, make sure they don’t leave food out overnight and wash dishes promptly after meals. Also keep in mind that some spiders are attracted to dirty laundry–it’s best to keep laundry hamper lids closed so bugs don’t get inside (and if they do get inside, wash all clothes immediately).
  • Seal off cracks and crevices with caulk or foam sealant before summer starts! This can help prevent new spiders from entering through small holes around windowsills and doorsills.

Seal up any cracks or holes where spiders could sneak in.

Sealing up any cracks or holes where spiders could sneak in is one of the best ways to keep them out of your house. Spiders can squeeze through small gaps, so make sure to check for gaps around windows and doors, in the foundation and other areas. If you have an attic, seal it off completely with a screen door–spiders love attics!

If you’re not confident about doing this yourself, hire a professional to help with sealing up your home. They’ll be able to spot potential entry points that might otherwise go unnoticed by homeowners who aren’t as familiar with what’s going on behind the walls of their houses (or apartments).

Replace any screens that are torn, especially around your doors and windows.

The next step is to replace any screens that are torn, especially around your doors and windows. This is an important step because spiders are able to get inside our homes through these holes in the screen.

If you have a larger window, such as one in your living room or bedroom, make sure you use a good quality screen that’s the right size for it. Make sure to use a spline tool when installing this type of screen so that it fits tightly against the frame of the window (and doesn’t sag). You also want sealant around all four sides of each corner where they meet together; this helps keep out pests like mosquitoes as well as keeping moisture out of your home during rainstorms!

Make sure that window screens fit tightly over each of the windows in your home, both inside and out.

If you have any windows or doors in your home, make sure they are sealed with a good quality sealant. This will help prevent spiders from entering through those areas. Also, make sure that the screens on all of your windows fit tightly over each one of them. Check them regularly for tears or holes and replace as needed so that they stay in good condition.

Use sealant on all exterior doorways, including garage doors and any other openings that may let bugs into your house.

You can use sealant on all exterior doorways, including garage doors and any other openings that may let bugs into your house. This is an affordable option that’s easy to apply, and it can help keep spiders out of your home for good!


We hope this article has given you some tips on how to keep your home free of spiders. If you’re still worried about these eight-legged pests, then it might be time to call in the spider control professionals! 


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