Working Moms

6 Ways to Earn Premium Service Tips This Holiday Season

If you work in the service industry and you earn tips from your customers, the chances are that your base salary is just over $2 per hour. That is not enough to survive on even if you worked every day of the week. For servers and those in the hospitality industry, making money is dependent on the amount of tips you can earn by the end of your shift.

While the odd large tip is a pleasant surprise, it’s not going to bring in enough at the end of the week to pay your bills. You want to earn top dollar tips from your customers consistently, and that takes skill and practice. You may even have better luck if you take a hospitality course that will train you to serve as an expert.

When you rely on your customers tipping, you must change your behavior to encourage more significant spending from your clients. Let’s take a look at a few ways that you can earn premium service tips.

When you rely on your customers tipping, you must change your behavior to encourage more significant spending from your clients. Let’s take a look at a few ways that you can earn premium service tips.

Learn to Read Your Customers

Some customers like to get a lot of attention to make them feel like you have earned a premium tip. Others want to be left alone to enjoy their meals in peace. Being able to gauge what type of customer is at your table will take time but can be a valuable skill. Take your cue from each customer. Maintain points of eye contact throughout the service and learn to react when summoned.


Sell More

On average, the larger the total bill at the end of the service, the larger the tip. It is to your advantage as a server to sell up to your customers. For example, when asked for a meal recommendation, always sway your customer towards the pricier entrees on the menu. Make sure to point out your favorite appetizers and desserts too.


Get Personal

When your customer pays with a credit card, pay attention to their name. When you return their card and slip, you can address them by their name. For example, you can say, “It’s been my pleasure to serve you tonight, Mr.Smith.” This will make the customer feel more inclusive.

waitressing during the holidays


Customers like to feel like you have made them your special table. Bringing little gifts to the table can help increase the size of your tips. You may bring a bit of candy or an extra helping of ice cream with their dessert.



The power of your smile and a positive attitude can go a long way to increasing the size of your service tips. Keep in mind that your customers have come out to have a good time, and it is your job to make sure that they are surrounded by happy service.


Provide Good Service

The key to getting premium tips is to be an overall efficient and friendly server. To increase the size of your tips, you must provide premium service to your guests. Each table should be given equal attention, meals delivered on time, and issues dealt with swiftly and politely.


If you are a server and are looking to increase your salary, you need to boost the size of your tips. Follow some of these tips to help you make more as a premium server.



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TWL Working Mom

Jennifer is the owner of TWL Working Moms. She is a full time teacher, a mom & step mom, and NBCT Facilitator. Jennifer lives in Washington State and is a born + raised New Yorker. In her spare time, she loves traveling, yoga, the beach, writing, listening to books and drinking coffee.

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