Parenting & Motherhood TipsParenting Tips

Why Being a Parent Doesn’t Mean Don’t Travel

It is without a doubt one of the greatest achievements in any parents life, the birth of their children. They bring unmatched feeling of pride, joy and happiness. It is one of the best opportunities you will ever have of revisiting those awesome childhood days and so closely! You will hardly have some time for yourself alone but, being with your children is rewarding in itself.

But how many times have you heard a new parent or even an older parent tell you not to have children if you want to travel? But, do not listen to them and here’s why.

Having children doesn’t have to be the end of your whirlwind adventures. Follow these tips to help you remember that becoming a parent doesn’t mean giving up travel.

Having children isn't the end of travel! Follow these parenting without borders tips to help you remember that becoming a parent doesn’t mean don't travel.

Be Prepared

Traveling with a child is all about preparing for the worst but expecting the best. Take enough supplies with you for long haul flights, consider a stop over, pack plenty of distracting toys. Then, when you are on the other side, always remember the travel essentials. Prams are an essential item for any day-trips or heavy walking days. Making sure your child is comfortable is the key to everyone enjoying the holiday.

Bring along all of the items that keep your child calm and be prepared for the uncomfortable moments as well. Being prepared seems like a simple enough box to tick off the list, however it requires careful planning. There are a wide array of ways to help you achieve this, including buying a diary to keep an overview of things you’ll need to remember. Cover any and all possible scenarios and make sure you bring everything you think you’ll need.

Back Yourself

Every parent under the sun and even some individuals without children are going to want to tell you how it can’t be done. Try not to sweat the opinions of others. Only you can truly understand whether you, your child or your family are up for the challenge. Don’t let what other parents say or do impact how confident you are. Remind yourself that you are in control, you know your child’s habits, behaviors and personality better than anyone.

You’ll be able to see the warning signs of a tantrum before it happens. Have confidence that you can handle whatever comes your way and that what other people say or do is more a reflection on themselves than you.

Consider Your Options

When once traveling meant a backpackers or a luxury hotel, perhaps now with a child it will mean a house stay. Traveling with a child can be done with little to no difference to your own life at home. Of course, you can’t cart a household full of baby products with you, but you can replicate the feel of a home.

Instead of a hotel, look for a house sitting opportunity, a caravan or even Airbnb. This will allow you a solid base to come back to and will also bring a sense of familiarity in a very different situation. Forgoing a hotel for a home is a great way to make sure traveling is possible with a child. It allows for privacy, space and comfort while you see the world.


Remember it is necessary to sometimes do things for yourself too

Traveling refreshes the mind. Although it may sound selfish to some, but in my experience kids love traveling too. And a happier you puts a happier vibe on the kids as well and that is essential in parenting. Traveling hence is absolutely necessary if you want to take a break from the everyday parenting and do something different.


Final notes

Having a child does not mean you have to say goodbye to those travel plans. If it was a priority for you before your child it will be after as well and that is easily doable too. It will simply present some complications now. When you decide to travel with a child remember, you are in control. If you choose to do smaller trips, day trips or even long haul flights, back your ability as a parent and to look after your family while traveling. My parents traveled a lot too with me when I was a kid and those trips were more like family bonding especially since my dad used to live away for work. 

So, summarizing it up, be prepared with all the essentials you need to make everyone feel comfortable. Be ready to jump into any situation and solve any problems which may arise. A child doesn’t mean that travel is a pipe dream, in fact, it can be inherently more rewarding to share those memories with your entire family and not just Instagram. 

So stop waiting and book those tickets now!

See you soon on another engaging article.



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Natalie Bell

Hello Readers !! Natalie and Caitlyn Bell are the founders of Healtholine, They started Healtholine to provide a platform where they could share informative articles related to health, fitness, beauty, weight loss etc Natalie is a featured author at various authoritative blogs in the health and fitness industry. Connect with both sisters to know more.

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