
3 Easy Steps To Help Your Child Improve Their Grades

You don’t want to become an overbearing parent that always hovers over their child’s shoulder. You also don’t want to be a parent who puts too much pressure on their child. However, it’s always a good idea to ensure your child achieves their potential. Sometimes, they can be distracted at school, which leads to a dip in their grades. They might not care right now, but it can have a bearing on their future.

With that in mind, it’s good to step in and provide assistance as much as possible – without going overboard! So, here are a few simple steps to help your child improve their grades in as little time as possible:

Kids can be distracted at school, which leads to a dip in their grades. Here's a few easy steps to help your child improve their grades quickly.

Talk to their teachers

Firstly, speak to their teachers at school. Ask them what they think your child is struggling most with. This can help you find resources to help them or tell your child what they need to focus on. It’s also a good way to learn about the curriculum and get some study materials for your child. Many teachers may provide you with a list of topics that students will be tested on, so you have plenty of things to give your child so they can study.

Find a tutor

Often, teaching in schools isn’t good enough to reach some children. Your child may benefit from some extra teaching from an outside source. These days, you can easily find a tutoring app that will direct you to nearby tutors. Sign your child up for some extra lessons in a better learning environment. You’ll be surprised at how well they react to this. Think of it as like a sportsperson going and doing extra training sessions outside of their scheduled ones. It gives them a chance to reach their potential and improve their grades.


Create an ideal studying environment

Kids need to do some studying at home, and this is what lets a lot of them down. Try as they might, they just can’t concentrate in a home environment. It may be no fault of their own, it could be that your house is just always alive and full of noise. In this case, do what you can to create an ideal study environment for them. Find a quiet area of the house for your child to work in, or keep their siblings occupied when you know they’re trying to work. They’ll be able to work a lot better when the environment is calmer. As a result, they start to revise more when they’re at home and can do extra work that helps their studies.



Like I said, you don’t want to put too much pressure on your child. Grades aren’t everything. But, I do think it’s important that your kids don’t take a lazy approach to school. If you feel like their grades are dropping because they don’t care, then you should try and help out. Encourage them to achieve their potential, or they’ll just waste time in school. Trust me, there’ll come a time in the future when your child is so thankful for what you did!

Kids can be distracted at school, which leads to a dip in their grades. Here's a few easy steps to help your child improve their grades quickly.


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TWL Working Mom

Jennifer is the owner of TWL Working Moms. She is a full time teacher, a mom & step mom, and NBCT Facilitator. Jennifer lives in Washington State and is a born + raised New Yorker. In her spare time, she loves traveling, yoga, the beach, writing, listening to books and drinking coffee.

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  1. Thank you for your tips, now, I am trying just to get 1h per day to talk and analyze what is really happening, and if I can help more.

  2. Also consider that grades aren’t everything. Tests gave me anxiety so I never did very well on them. Of course it didn’t help that all my mom did was scream at me and make me feel worse. I think getting your child a little extra help with a tutor is the better approach.

    1. definitely agreed — even if it is just to have them feel more confident about their skills too!

  3. I think having a tutor is a great idea. Another person to have them be accountable for what they are learning.

  4. A good study environment is important.And, it’s easy to overlook this at times. When we put our kids in an area with tons of distractions it’s hard for them to focus….just like us.

  5. Great tips. Tutoring really is a great tool for a lot of families. The way schools approach learning doesn’t work for everyone.

  6. As a homeschool mom, I had to laugh when I read the first tip to talk to the teachers. That would be myself, lol!
    On a serious note, as a home educator these are lovely tips that do make a difference even for homeschool families!

  7. It helps to develop good study habits when kids are young. It is a good idea to have a quiet place to work.

  8. These are great tips! I have a few teachers in my family and they love when parents reach out to see what their child may need help with instead of coming to them when grades are sent out and wondering what happened. It’s always best to stay ahead of things and like you mentioned without being overbearing.

  9. Homeschooling is such a blessing for this reason! Knowing your child’s weaknesses helps you tailor their education to their needs.

  10. Wonderful tips! I have been thinking of getting a designated study area for my girls, you just talked me into it!

  11. I totally agree with you. It is important that we do not put too much pressure on our kids. Grades is definitely not everything.

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