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Deep Clean Your Bathroom Today with These Tips

We all clean our bathrooms on a daily basis, but unfortunately, they still need some deep disinfecting and deep cleaning once in a while. We help you to prevent eliminating bacteria in the bathroom and it also reduces the risk of cross contamination. We know you don’t want to spend all day shining up your tubs and basins, so here’s how to deep clean your bathroom fast. 

So, if you have 4 bathrooms, at least one bathroom needs deep cleaning every week. Here in NW Maids Cleaning Service we care about your health so we are here to help you to deep clean your bathroom.

We all clean our bathrooms on a daily basis, but unfortunately, they still need some deep disinfecting and deep cleaning once in a while - here's how.

What you need?

You need the following supplies to deep clean your toilet.


Keep your windows open at all times so that fresh air comes in while you are cleaning. The circulating air will reduce the humidity and make the bathroom less hospitable to bacteria and mold.


Start at the bottom

Start cleaning from top to bottom is the best way to approach the shower cubicle so that any dust or grime that falls down doesn’t cause any stains on your freshly cleaned surfaces. Throw away empty bottles, toilet paper rolls, and empty the trash can before you start washing and spraying.


Toilet and shower

Pour in a toilet cleaner and let it stay until you are done with scrubbing your bathtub. Next pour the vinegar in a plastic bag enough to immerse your shower head. Tie the plastic bag and leave it overnight. Next morning, remove the bag, wash and rinse. Take off the shower curtain, Plastic shower curtains and liners can go in the washing machine as usual, wash it with old towels and hang to dry. Throw in a few old towels to take advantage of their scrubbing action.

deep cleaning your bathroom
Photo by Victoria Borodinova from Pexels

Shower doors

For cleaning glass shower doors, prepare a solution – mix one part of distilled white vinegar with 3 parts distilled water in a bowl and microwave for 60 seconds. Now pour this solution into a spray bottle and spray onto glass. Let it sit for 3 to 5 minutes. Pat it dry using a microfiber cloth from top to bottom for extra sparkle. 


For grout nothing says clean like bright white grout lines. The unfortunate thing about grout is that it is porous, which makes it a perfect environment for harboring bacteria colonies. You can use any commercial grout cleaner, if you don’t have it, you can easily prepare it at home by mixing ½ cup baking soda, ¼ cup hydrogen peroxide, 1 teaspoon dish soap.  Apply the mixture to the grout, and let it sit for 5 to 10 minutes. Lastly scrub the area hard with a grout brush and rinse. You should also consider sealing your grout every six months to block moisture buildup.

For the bathtub, fill it with hot water for some time. Sprinkle baking soda, and two tablespoon of dish soap. Use a stiff brush or sponge to scrub the tub. If your tub has stains, you might consider using a commercial cleaner.



Now spray the countertops, tile, walls and the ceiling with all-purpose cleaner. Now close the door and let the hot shower run for 5 minutes to build the steam, so that steam and cleaner both mix together in order to effectively clean the bathroom.Use a clean cloth for the surfaces, and clean dry microfiber mop for the walls and ceilings. A fresh coat of wax on your tiles every 12-months will help keep watermarks at bay and reduce your workload.

cleaning the bathroom counters
Photo by Barion McQueen from Pexels

Toilet bowl

Now use vinegar and baking soda down the drain of the toilet sink, use anti-bacterial wipes to clean the handles and faucets so that bacteria found in the toilet doesn’t get transmitted. A cup of baking soda in the toilet bowl that is left to sit for a few minutes. It’s time to scrub the toilet bowl hard with a toilet brush after it will return to sparkling white porcelain. If that’s not enough, use a damp pumice stone to scrub away the limescale and mineral deposits gently. Fill the brush canister with warm soapy water and let it soak. Pour bleach over the brush bristles and let it soak as well. The brush has a dirty job, so it should be given a regular disinfect treatment. 



As you can see, when you use a few simple tools and household materials and go in with a plan, you can return. You can deep clean your bathroom in a few short hours without using harsh chemicals. Lastly, you can use a bathroom disinfectant spray and let it stay as per the cleaner recommendation, don’t forget to spray the flush handle. This is only a few effective tips to deep clean your bathroom.


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TWL Working Mom

Jennifer is the owner of TWL Working Moms. She is a full time teacher, a mom & step mom, and NBCT Facilitator. Jennifer lives in Washington State and is a born + raised New Yorker. In her spare time, she loves traveling, yoga, the beach, writing, listening to books and drinking coffee.

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  1. Thank you, I will definitely make use of these tips. I’m just wondering though, will the vinegar solution linger in the cleaned areas? Or will I need to wipe something on it after it dries to remove the smell?

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