Advice for Moms

The Featured Mommy – Little Big Dreamers Sleep Consultant

The Featured Mommy is a series that will run every Monday spotlighting a different wonderful mom every week. Make sure to look out for it every week as these moms are here to tell their stories and give you some great advice. If you are interested in being featured, sign up below.


Meet our January 8th featured mommy! 

  1. Describe yourself and your blog.

My name is Mylee and I am a mom of two sweet boys who are 6 and 4.  Before starting my family I was a social worker working with children primarily.  Now that my 2 kids are in school I have re-started my career but in a new direction. I studied to become a child sleep consultant and now own my own child sleep consulting business called Little Big Dreamers where I focus on helping tired families get the sleep they need.  I work with families one-on-one to achieve their baby or child’s sleep goals and also blog about different aspects of child and baby sleep to help and empower parents to address their children’s sleep issues.  I help with many different sleep issues including nap transitions, early waking, night wakings, transitioning out of co-sleeping and more.

I love what I do and find immense enjoyment and fulfillment with helping tired parents in any capacity – whether it is through an informative blog post, working with them one-on-one or during one of my Facebook Live sessions.  As long as I’ve made a difference in a family’s life, I’m happy.  I believe sleep is so important.  Without sleep we parents struggle to be the parents we want to be and our kids need sleep to help them grow, learn and thrive.

  1. What is the best moment you have had as a mom?

I’m not sure I can pick the absolute best moment I’ve had as a mom, but for me the best part in general is seeing my sons grow up to be the smart, caring, wonderful little people they are.  My heart swells when their teachers say they are caring and kind to their fellow classmates and I love seeing it myself with all their friends.  That is one of the biggest attributes I want them to take into adulthood.

Every day my sons surprise me with their little personalities and their smart little minds.  Much as I’d love to put that down to my wonderful and amazing parenting skills, I think it is just the amazing kids they are!

  1. Advice you can give to other moms.

I think it is so important to gather a supportive network around you of family, friends and other moms.  I am an Australian mom living in the US and if I hadn’t had a group of wonderful mom friends around me, parenting 2 young children would have been so much harder.  Having friends to seek advice from and be willing to step in and help is great.  I am thankful everyday I have such amazing friends.

Apart from this, trust your mommy instincts and don’t be afraid to ask for help if you think you need it.  It is okay to say you aren’t coping or something needs to change and get help and support to make it happen.  As moms we sometimes think we should just grin and bear whatever comes our way but asking for help is a good thing.  Whether it is struggling with your child’s sleep, struggling with an aspect of parenting, feeling depressed, isolated or anything else – talk to a friend or seek help from an appropriate professional. Whatever you need, you are never alone!  We are not meant to parent in isolation.

  1. What is the scariest part about being a mom?

The scariest thing about being a parent is knowing I’m responsible for teaching my children sound morals and values such as responsibility, honesty and respect. This is difficult when there are so many different opinions, and contrary behaviors displayed in this world.  I want my kids to be firm in what they believe and value and how they treat all people and not be influenced by the opinion of others.  This is such a huge responsibility as a parent because the way the future generation treats each other will define the world we live in.  I find it scary too that I even have to worry about teaching my kids these things when it should just be human nature to treat everyone with dignity, respect and worth.

  1. Tell us a story about motherhood:

From the moment I became a teenager (or just about) I wanted to become a mom, more than anything.   But I didn’t know that along with the joy of having a new baby, motherhood is hard and stressful.  And we really need to acknowledge that – to ourselves and our fellow moms.  The days I found out I was pregnant was amazing, but the happiest days of my life was meeting my sweet little baby boys.

As an example of how hard motherhood can be: my first son was the cutest little thing ever, and still is!  I’m biased, I know.  But being a new mom was hard and came with many tears.  My little man had severe silent reflux and struggled so much to breastfeed.  I can’t count the amount of times I was in tears because he would cry, scream and refuse to feed or not eat enough when he did feed.  I felt like I was constantly worried about whether my little man was ok or whether I was failing as a mom.  But I wasn’t.  The fact that I worried about it meant I was being a great mom.  I cared more than anything about my son’s needs and making sure I met them. I may have constantly lived at the doctor’s office whenever he grew out of his weight-based dose of reflux meds, but I was ensuring his needs were met.

We want the world for our children and you want them to always be happy and never hurt or be in pain.   That is what motherhood is all about.

  1. Anything you would like to add?

I love helping tired parents, so please feel free to reach out if you need support with your little one’s sleep.  I can work with you 1:1 to help your child get the sleep you need.  If there is also a blog post on child or baby sleep that you’d like to see written, let me know too and I’ll get it done.

Contact the Featured Mommy

Mylee Zschech

Child Sleep Consultant

Little Big Dreamers

Blog: www.littlebigdreamers.net/blog

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/littlebigdreamerssleepconsultant/

Instagram: www.instagram.com/mylee_littlebigdreamers

Twitter: www.twitter.com/LBDreamers

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TWL Working Mom

Jennifer is the owner of TWL Working Moms. She is a full time teacher, a mom & step mom, and NBCT Facilitator. Jennifer lives in Washington State and is a born + raised New Yorker. In her spare time, she loves traveling, yoga, the beach, writing, listening to books and drinking coffee.

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