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5 Health Benefits of Music Nobody will Tell You

Music, as they would say, is food for the soul. It can affect your emotional and mental state and depend on the genre, it can affect your mood. Music has been part of the world we know far longer than anyone can look back to. From the sound of nature to the artificial sounds we make from instruments, music is a basic part of life.

It is well known that music can have a soothing effect on emotions, but did you know that it can also affect you physically? Music can actually make you healthier, become stronger and live longer.

Photo by Leio McLaren (@leiomclaren) on Unsplash


Here are the 5 health benefits of listening to music:

Reduces stress and anxiety

Studies have shown that listening to music can widely affect one’s mood and emotions. This, in turn, can influence anxiety levels in an individual. It means the type you listen to may determine your outlook and can resonate with your daily interactions with others. Researchers recommend that for people with high stress and anxiety levels to listen to instrumental types helps in relaxation. Have you noticed that the spa and massage parlors choose to play instrumental music and nature sounds?

Relaxing tone helps to regulate the mood and emotions of an individual. Studies have shown an increase in endorphin levels, or happy hormones when listening to instrumentals when one is stressed or anxious.

Music reduces stress and anxiety

Improve immune functioning

Music has been claimed to have positive effects on the immune functioning of the body, but how exactly? Surgery patients have studied and their physical reactions to listening to music before, during and after the surgery. Amazingly, patients who listened felt lesser pain than those who don’t.

In another study conducted at Wilkes University, IgA (an antibody used by the immune system as the first defense against diseases) levels are affected by different beats. Students were tested and it showed significant results where IgA levels are higher for those who listened to relaxing tones, as opposed to those who listened to non-relaxing or did not listen at all.

According to researchers, relaxing music has the capacity to enhance the immune functioning because it allows stress and anxiety to leave the body and relaxes the nerves. This means it alone has its healing properties because of how the mind and body react to it.

Strengthens learning and memory

Many people claim, as aided by studies and research, that music can strengthen learning and memory retention. This is supported by research among students who choose to listen while studying, and eventually are able to retain more information and memorize more. However, this effect may be subjective to others as some are more comfortable to learn and memorize items when it is silent.

For those who choose to listen to music, it also has significant positive results. While studying, listening to tones has seen to release higher dopamine levels, a hormone that works on motivation which then works on memorization and learning. Listening to rhythmic music can allow an individual to quickly memorize items, while slightly energetic instrumental will allow for more learning.

Further studies have also tackled the effects of different songs on memories of those who suffer from memory loss due to stroke or dementia. Significantly positive results came back where patients would listen to songs of their own choice (preferably something from their time), and relaxing. Amazingly, patients who listened to music are able to recall more memories and develop a more positive outlook. They are less confused and depressed.

Keeps your brain healthy in old age

Many studies are conducted on how exactly music can affect the cognitive performance of the brain. This is because as what we have learned, it can affect some hormone levels. These are responsible for mood and emotional functions, and these have a lot to do with the brain. However, as an organ, how exactly do tones affect the brain?

Studies conducted among the elderly have shown amazing results where those who listen to music often have higher scores in cognitive tests as compared to those who do not listen to music. It can also lower anxiety and stress levels, and this can definitely have a positive effect on cognitive health.

Music keeps your brain healthy in old age

Use the beat to become a better runner

In terms of physical exercise and motivation, music can be your best partner. The beat alone can energize you to be physical and work out, while the lyrics can provide the verbal motivation you need.

Energetic beats can be your jogging or running partner. This can help set your pace in running. You can easily complete your target time or distance to run. Listening to beats while running or jogging can also make you feel more energized and positive. It can help make time feel a lot faster when you feel like running is getting tedious.

Whoever you are, wherever you may be, there is a genre that is just right for you. Everyone likes music – that is for sure. It’s just a matter of knowing what type you enjoy. You will enjoy it more if you know how to play an instrument. You can take music lessons to learn how to play.

Make life more harmonious by adding it to your daily routine. Remember, it does not only make you hum, but it also makes you healthier.

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Curtis Dean

Curtis Dean writes on behalf of Sage Music School where they base lessons on the science and research of the psychology of learning. Their effective teaching methods create confident and capable students who enjoy the happiness of making music.

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