Infant + ToddlerParenting & Motherhood Tips

Little Cosmetics Holiday Gift for Daughters

Photo by Alex Mihis on Unsplash

Does your daughter love to play with your makeup? Do you have to hide your makeup whenever your daughter walks into the bathroom so they don’t play with it? As a toddler mom, I experience this all of the time. This also means that I have experienced the destruction of my makeup that has happened when I have not been looking. How can I solve this problem without having to lock the cabinets in my bathroom? (This was a very close reality!) I found a company called Little Cosmetics, who create the most adorable, real life makeup for little girls! It’s a pretty amazing site.

Little Cosmetics looks and feels just like real makeup but is completely fake, and absolutely nothing transfers or applies to skin. Their makeup is genius! It is intended for pretend play and it also saves my makeup from being ruined. I love that my daughter likes makeup and is interested in it, but I like it even more now that she has her own to play with!

This is the perfect gift for the holiday season for a little girl who has an imagination and enjoys playing dress up or house, etc.

As you can see, my daughter really loved this. She makes sure that every time I am doing my makeup that she grabs her makeup and puts it on with me. It is truly a nice, bonding moment.

Buy this now, click any of the links below!

Want to see more? Visit Little Cosmetics on Instagram and Facebook.

[this is a sponsored post in exchange for an honest review. this post also may contain affiliate links. please visit my disclaimer policy for more information.]

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TWL Working Mom

Jennifer is the owner of TWL Working Moms. She is a full time teacher, a mom & step mom, and NBCT Facilitator. Jennifer lives in Washington State and is a born + raised New Yorker. In her spare time, she loves traveling, yoga, the beach, writing, listening to books and drinking coffee.

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