Advice for Moms

The Featured Mommy: Nana’s Sugar Company

The Featured Mommy is a series that will run every Monday spotlighting a wonderful mom every week. Make sure to look out for it every week as these moms are here to tell their stories and give you some great advice. If you are interested in being featured, sign up below.

Describe yourself and your blog. 

I am creative and artistic crafty person. I have too many hobbies and not enough money for all those hobbies. LOL. I enjoy cake decorating, gardening, photography and horses. I just started doing facebook lives teaching how to make sugar eggs.

featured mommy

My blog has just started. My goal is to share my knowledge of cake decorating, favorite recipes and my love of crafts with others. Plus tips on raising twins girls.

What is the best moment you have had as a mom?

This is a hard question. I have raised three girls and now raising twin granddaughters. There have been so many moments that it is hard to pick just one.


Advice you can give to other moms.

The best advice I could give other moms is to keep a routine and allow reading time at the end of the day just before bedtime.  The twins love to read. Especially a book with a mouse in it.  They have a mouse thing. The girls will real two or three books a night. And sign your kids up for ABCmouse.com.

What is the scariest part about being a mom?

The twins that I am raising were born 7 weeks premature, have “global developmental delays” and have autistic tendencies. We have come a long way and were blessed to have great people in our lives for the past 5 years. The girls need routines and don’t have as many meltdowns as they use to.

The girls, Raylee and Rebecca were In and out of the hospital 5 times in their first 3 months of life due to upper respiratory infections because they were not receiving their breathing treatments everyday. They have lived with me since they were 5 months old and have not been back in the hospital since.

They were behind other children their age. So when they were 3 years old we started them in daycare/preschool at church three days a week. During this time is when we went to the Childrens Developmental Hospital in Greenville, SC. Here is where we met Dr. Williams and started learning about their delays and autistic tendencies and how-to coop.

The girls are 8 years old now and I have a lot more patience than I use to have. They are doing so good in school. It has been a lot of work, but they are worth it. My daughter, their mother, wasn’t ready to be a mother of one child, let alone two. It required more effort than she was willing to give. I am so thankful that I was able to take care of the twins and keep them from foster care.

The girls do like to decorate sugar eggs of their own, but I have to limit the amount of flowers and other decorations they can have. If not, you would not be able to see the egg for the decorations and icing.

the featured mommy

Find me here:





My new website: panoramicsugareggs.com



Did you miss last week’s Featured Mommy? Click here.

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TWL Working Mom

Jennifer is the owner of TWL Working Moms. She is a full time teacher, a mom & step mom, and NBCT Facilitator. Jennifer lives in Washington State and is a born + raised New Yorker. In her spare time, she loves traveling, yoga, the beach, writing, listening to books and drinking coffee.

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