slice of life

SOL: D25, Timehops are Depressing

Except my interesting 3 years ago was interesting !!!!!!! 

Next week is my birthday and I made it a point earlier in life before teaching to go on vacation during the week. It was the perfect time because it was in between spring breaks or it was right around Spring Break for college, so we were able to leave and no one missed us.

This is what I saw on time hop today:

10 years ago, I was in Bahamas.

8 years ago, I was in Costa Rica.

7 years ago, I was in Jamaica

5 years ago, Florida.

4 years ago, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

3 years ago, State testing my students in New York.

Last year? Parent Teacher Conferences.

This year? Parent Teacher Conferences.


Ugh! Time hop makes me sad! 🙁



I am writing as part of the Slice of Life Challenge with the Two Writing Teachers.




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TWL Working Mom

Jennifer is the owner of TWL Working Moms. She is a full time teacher, a mom & step mom, and NBCT Facilitator. Jennifer lives in Washington State and is a born + raised New Yorker. In her spare time, she loves traveling, yoga, the beach, writing, listening to books and drinking coffee.

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  1. You have been on some really cool trips! I’m sorry you’re stuck with parent teacher conferences this year. Hopefully you have an exciting trip coming up to make your time hop more interesting next year.

  2. From my point of view, this is an exciting list. You’ve been to many exciting and interesting places!

  3. I’ve never heard of time hop – great idea. When i was teaching we always went away March Break – now – not at all!

  4. Wow!! You had some great vacations over the years!! Oh how I remember the days of going on vacations over my breaks! Good times!! How I love/hate being reminded from time hop and “on this day”!of how I used to live before becoming a mom . Hope you get away soon!

  5. You have been to some amazing and interesting places.I am sure there are many more far away places calling your name.

  6. Great memories made … and more to make…. but at a different time now 🙁 . “Time hops” is a great idea. I will definitely remember it.

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