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Can’t Get to the Gym? Top 4 Home Gym Equipment You Need

Fat-shaming has become rampant these days and it has become a norm for people to criticize aspects of other people’s bodies or even their own bodies. Overweight people have often been used as the butt of the jokes in many shows. Magazines have advertised about losing the “imperfection” that is excess weight. Fat-shaming manifests in a lot of ways without people even noticing it. This article talks about why working women typically choose at home gym equipment for their house.


Do it for you

People criticizing one another about their physical appearances and media suggesting that people should be slimmer, smaller, fitter; implies that people should want to change and that they should care about how they look. if they don’t, they will be subject to other people’s body-shaming comments. People don’t realize the effect of such negative comments to other people even when the intentions behind them are good. It can lead to a judgment that results in self-hate. It diminishes people’s confidence and lowers their self-esteem. Body-shaming makes people feel terrible about their bodies and their inability to change their current situation. Click here to know about the harmful effects of fat-shaming.

While embracing one’s flaws and imperfections is important, there is nothing wrong with trying to look better. In the context of weight classes, there is totally nothing wrong with being fat. But there is also nothing wrong with aiming for and wanting a more fit body. In fact, it is even better because scientifically speaking, obesity is not healthy. It may seem blunt but it is the harsh truth. It is okay to be fat but it is better to be in the right shape.

Just because someone is fat it does not necessarily mean that he or she does not care about his or her physical appearance. They think about their bodies but they just don’t have the time and means to take care of it. These people have so much going on in their lives that fitness seems to not be in their priorities. Being occupied with a lot of stuff makes them forget about their physical health. It’s not that they don’t care; they just have other important matters to attend to. To learn about why people become fat you can visit this link: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/10-causes-of-weight-gain.

Getting in shape

For people who are in the upper weight class that are too busy to find time to exercise, it is time for them to consider setting up a gym in their homes. As mentioned above, obesity is not healthy and it is better being in the right shape. Setting up a gym at home can help a lot in getting in shape. With a home gym, they can work out conveniently and they can do it more regularly. It would be easier for them to achieve their body goals.

In adding a gym at home, it is essential that one should know his goal and what type of equipment can help achieve that goal. Searching for reviews about home gym equipment can help in finding the right equipment necessary for achieving a fitness goal.

Here is a review of some gym equipment you can consider adding to your home gym:


Treadmills are used for aerobic exercises such as running, jogging, walking, and climbing. You can do all those exercises while staying in one place. Treadmills are one of the most effective gym equipment that helps people lose weight. If you want to lose weight fast, consider adding this to your home gym.

Stationary Bikes

Stationary bikes are basically bicycles without wheels. This is normally used by racing cyclists to warm up before a race. This is for exercise to increase general fitness. This is also one of the home gym equipment that helps people lose weight.


Pull-up Bar

Pull-up bars are good for strengthening your upper body. Pull-ups are very demanding workouts. You will use a lot of muscles (trunk, arms, shoulders, abs, pelvic floor muscles, hands, and forearms) in doing this exercise. 

Squat Rack

Serious squatting happens on squat racks. Squats train your full body. Although it focuses on thighs, hips, butt, hamstrings, and quads; it helps strengthen all your bones and ligaments. Not only does it give you toned legs; it also promotes body-wide muscle building.

Final thoughts 

If you have a hectic schedule and unable to find time to do your exercises, consider getting home gym equipment. You can easily exercise at the comfort of your own home and shifting to a healthier lifestyle is easier when exercising is made more convenient.



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TWL Working Mom

Jennifer is the owner of TWL Working Moms. She is a full time teacher, a mom & step mom, and NBCT Facilitator. Jennifer lives in Washington State and is a born + raised New Yorker. In her spare time, she loves traveling, yoga, the beach, writing, listening to books and drinking coffee.

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