Advice for Moms

The Featured Mommy: Danglish Mamma

Describe yourself and your blog.

I am a Jamaican that is now living in Denmark for 11 years with my Danish Husband and our three mixed race girls. My blog Danglish Mamma is about Mammahood and infusing our two cultures and lifestyles. The name Danglish comes from both languages Danish and English because it’s the two languages that we speak on a daily basis in our household.



What is the best moment you have had as a mom?

My best moment as a mamma for me, was meeting/seeing my girls for the first time. The reason for that is for the fact that all my pregnancies weren’t the easiest due to the fact that I had pregnancy diabetes which includes me injecting myself, having numerous scanning, blood test, having a dietician etc. So the day I was able to hold my girls and breastfed my happiest moment that also helped me to realize and accepts the fact that am a mother.


Advice you can give to other moms.

If one should ask what’s the best advice I can give to other Moms, my advice is … “You should never ever compare your child or yourself to others” You will always hear stories, opinion from other mothers or within your village but don’t ever let their opinions affect your confidence. Also remember that you know your child better than anyone else. Always use your Mamma instinct and if in doubt use your GP.




What is the scariest part about being a mom?

My scariest moment as a Mamma was when my first daughter took her first step and fell, burst her lips and I saw blood dripping from her lips. I was happy that she took her first step but in that split second of me being happy turned into my scariest moment. Motherhood to me is watching my girls figuring out their personalities which also taught me that they are all different and is unique in their own way.

It’s also waking up to three over energized girls on a Saturday or Sunday morning and knowing that I only had three hours of sleep the night before but the day must go on. Motherhood for me is also forgetting about taking a shower, trying to figure out if I have eaten. It’s realizing that I’ve mastered few skills that I had no idea existed in me. It’s about being scared of an insect but because I’m being watched by my girls I had to put my brave face on. Amidst all these challenges I’ve learnt and is still learning that kids are the most honest human being and I’ve learnt so much from them and is still learning whilst I help them to become the best in their adulthood that lies ahead.



Tell us a story about motherhood:

My very first pregnancy was my scariest after I learnt that I had pregnancy diabetes and also how to inject myself .. I was shock, nervous and very scared. After finding out about my diabetes I had to give up the idea of wanting a water birth because after being induced for 2 days and 12 hours nothing happened and then I ended up having an emergency caesarean…


During my operation my body resisted all the pain killers so I remembered that I was screaming and I said to the doctors I can’t breathe. I then heard they told my husband he has to leave the room. I woke up feeling so exhausted and my baby was not by my side … I learnt that she was at the children’s ward to examine because of her size and because I had diabetes but thank God she was well.


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TWL Working Mom

Jennifer is the owner of TWL Working Moms. She is a full time teacher, a mom & step mom, and NBCT Facilitator. Jennifer lives in Washington State and is a born + raised New Yorker. In her spare time, she loves traveling, yoga, the beach, writing, listening to books and drinking coffee.

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