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9 Easy Tips To Help You Wind Down

Too much of life is go, go, go, and that can make it almost impossible to slow down, take it easy, and recharge. You might have developed a morning routine to kickstart your day and managed to get it down to a tee, but what about when you get home from work (even if you work from home)?


A lot of professionals find it impossible to wind down after they get home from work. Usually, this is because the work culture has shifted. Our smartphones mean we are always On, always accessible, and this means you don’t get a moment’s rest. If you’re struggling to switch off and wind down once you finish work, here are nine easy tips to help you.

A lot of professionals find it impossible to wind down after they get home from work. Here's 9 easy tips to help you.

Get Changed

The first thing you need to do when you finish work and start winding down is get changed out of your work clothes and into something more comfortable. If you’re working from home, this means getting out of your professional sweatpants into your chill out sweatpants. But if you’ve had to go out today, climb into something more comfortable. This will immediately make it easier to relax and give your brain the shift it needs to go from work mode to home mode.

get comfy in pajamas

Take a Bath

Bathing after a long, stressful day is one of the best ways to pamper yourself and help you unwind. Besides treating yourself, though, it also comes with an array of health benefits. A hot bath can relax your muscles and ease aches and pains.

Furthermore, it also means you don’t need to get up early tomorrow to shower, which is always difficult, let alone during a frigid winter. You can also look at natural Bath and Body Care products to enhance your bathing experience and give your skin the glow it needs to help you feel better.


Prepare For Tomorrow

Even if you’ve told yourself you weren’t going to think about work until you wake up, preparing everything for tomorrow will reduce your stress and help you turn your brain off in the evening. You can start by making your lunch or getting your clothes out of your closet, ironed, and ready for you to put on first thing in the morning.

Besides this, any projects, meetings, or appointments should be prepared so you don’t rush into anything without knowing what you’re talking about. Often, this takes just 30 minutes at most at the end of your day, and if you’re still in the swing of working, it makes sense to get it out of the way now.


Catch Up With Friends and Family

Everyone can attest that their lives are so busy they don’t have the chance to catch up with friends and family. If you want to be more active in your loved ones’ lives, giving them a call or sending a message will help you wind down and relax. It’s always important to stay up to date with the goings-on in other people’s lives, and they will appreciate it when you reach out. Alternatively, sit and talk with your partner about their day.

catching up with family

Take The Dog For a Walk

If you’ve got a dog, they’ll need walking in the evening. This is a great chance for you to get out for some fresh air and even meet other dog walkers in the neighborhood. If you work from home, you might be a little starved for attention, so this is always a good idea. Even if you’re not working from home, speaking to someone other than your coworkers will show you there’s much more to life than the four walls of your office, and it will help take your mind off work.


Or Just Go For a Walk Yourself

You might not have a dog, though, but that’s okay. You can still go for a walk and explore your neighborhood. Something as short as a 30-minute walk will be beneficial and it helps keep you active, which is good for your mental and physical well being. If you don’t want to go for a walk, try running or doing some push-ups. Any bit of activity will do a world of good, and it will relax you, too.



There’s a lot to be said about mindfulness and meditation. This approach is something that has become more popular over the past few years. So, even if you don’t think you could ever meditate, it’s always worth trying. Get comfortable, shut off all distractions, and start with some breathing exercises. You’re not expected to find enlightenment immediately, but you’ll be surprised how different you feel after a five or ten-minute session.


Write About Your Day

Keeping a journal is not just something for teenage girls or aspiring writers. Many people use journals to keep track of their thoughts and feelings, even if they don’t intend for anyone else to read it. Journaling is immensely useful for working through emotions and overcoming problems. This is because writing them down makes them more real and allows you to process them differently to letting them swim around in your head.

Get Off Your Phone

If you’re anything like the majority of the population, you have your phone with you at all times. Often, it becomes a crux when you don’t know what to do with your hands. You need to check social media and stay up to date with trends and information. But, this makes you miss the world around you and can prevent you from unwinding at the end of the day.

The blue light affects your sleep quality and distracts you from the rest of the world. Try switching your phone off altogether and read, watch your favorite movie, or do anything that isn’t endlessly scrolling through your news feed.


And Breathe

The first few times you give yourself time to wind down will feel weird. You feel there are still things you need to do, and this can stress you out and make it difficult to sit still. However, you’ll never feel relaxed if you don’t give yourself time to chill out. While you needn’t use all of these tips, embracing a few will help you feel calmer, relaxed, and even help you find more time to do what you love to do.


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TWL Working Mom

Jennifer is the Owner of TWL and Co-Owner of a Influencer Facebook Group Influential Mamas.  Along with blogging + freelance writing and selling Zyia Activewear, she is a mom, army wife and full-time teacher. Jennifer lives in Washington State and is a born + raised New Yorker. In her spare time, she loves traveling, yoga, the beach, writing, listening to books and drinking coffee.

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